Bkt Selambau: Indoor ceramah… or open-air rally?


Anwar addresses a crowd of about 5,000 last night, just before introducing the candidate, a somewhat shy S Manikumar, whose voice was already hoarse from campaigning.

At one point, Manikumar thanked Anwar for the “mandate” in selecting him, to which Anwar prompted him by saying that it should be the people from whom he should be seeking a mandate.

Anwar was at pains to point out that Manikumar would not just represent the Indian community but all the voters in Bukit Selambau.

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1 Apr 2009 11.12pm

Hey, that’s a pretty pointless video clip, Anil. Why only 39 seconds?
And no Anwar 🙁

bangsa Cina Malaysia
bangsa Cina Malaysia
1 Apr 2009 10.36pm


manikumar a graduate from UUM.

InsyaAllah this is the kind of educated and model state assemblyman we want to represent us.

and also PR represent everyone regardless of race.

no more indian represent indian, chinese represent chinese, malay represent malay.

say no to race based party.

say no to MIC-MCA-UMNO.


1 Apr 2009 9.49pm

Can someone mobilized that everyone wear black on Friday, to signify the darkness that going to befall on our country? I will wear black on that day.

bangsa Cina Malaysia
bangsa Cina Malaysia
1 Apr 2009 9.48pm

just vote Manikumar a graduATE OF UUM.

Malaysian Heart
Malaysian Heart
1 Apr 2009 6.59pm

Bukit Selambau: An Urgent Call for Calm & Understanding, and Suggestions for a Way Forward I’m writing this with deep concern over the Pakatan Rakyat’s prospects in the Selambau Election as well as for the future of the alternatif movement as well. Just over a month ago we were quite united, and so confident that BN could never win, even against goats & cows. Today the situation has changed dramatically, as the conflict that is apparently brewing within the AM over the choice of candidate for the Bukit Selambau by election threatens our chances there as well the achievement of… Read more »

1 Apr 2009 6.52pm

For our common enlightenment… Source… http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=10438 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A bill to outlaw organic farming next week? News Brief – April 1, 2009 US House and Senate are about (in a week and a half) to vote on bill that will OUTLAW ORGANIC FARMING (bill HR 875). There is an enormous rush to get this into law within the next 2 weeks before people realize what is happening. Main backer and lobbyist is (guess who) Monsanto (aspartame maker) – chemical and genetic engineering giant corporation. This bill will require organic farms to use specific fertilizers and poisonous insect sprays dictated by the… Read more »