35,000 foreigners whipped in last 7 years


According to Prisons Department records, 47,914 foreigners were found to have violated the Immigration Act from 2002 to 2008.

Of these, 34,923 were whipped. The remaining 12,991 escaped whipping because two thirds of them were women while the other third were men over 50.

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About 60 per cent of those whipped were Indonesians, followed by Filipinos (14 per cent), Myanmarese (14 per cent), Bangladeshis (4 per cent), Thais (3 per cent) and others (5 per cent).

The above was revealed in Parliament in response to a question by Bukit Bendera MP Liew Chin Tong.

The government says it whips these foreigners as a deterrent to others. I am against whipping as I believe it is cruel, inhuman, and degrading punishment.  What about you?

Remember, many of these foreigners do not have access to lawyers. The overwhelming majority of them are likely to be low-income folks from poorer countries who come here looking for work.

Says blog reader Thomas:

I’m one of the privileged ones who go into Kajang and Sungei Buloh prisons as social workers. In my conversations with many of these people, I found out that a majority of them were victims of unscrupulous agents from both sides. They pay huge sums of money in their home country to agents and when they arrive here they find that they have been cheated and do not get the treatment and remuneration that they were promised. Some of them were even dumped and abandoned when deals by agents with prospective employers went awry.

They are left to fend for themselves of fall into the hands of syndicates which take advantage and exploit them, and if they get caught without proper papers or even passports, which is in the hands of the syndicates, they are charged in court without representation or even without their embassy’s knowledge and end up in prison to receive such treatment and eventually deported.

Who is to be blamed for all that? Why is no action taken on these unscrupulous agents, who seem to have political connections or patronage…?

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Dr Zafar Shah
26 Jun 2009 10.15pm

I sent my comment twice but I thought it failed to reach you. Kindly read my article here


regarding the whipping sentence in Malaysia.

anna brella
anna brella
26 Jun 2009 3.02am

Is there compulsory whipping also there now for those unprincipled politicians and their greed-oriented cronies in the civil service and business and religious communities who lie and cheat and practice mind-boggling levels of corruption through fraudulent collusion and outright stealing from the nation’s development capital coffers and thus beggaring the prospects of the nation and its current and future generations of Malaysians?

Does the term “understanding priorities” mean anything over there to BN-politicians and those who vote for them?

“Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

25 Jun 2009 9.46pm

Remember the deputy home minister who persecuted Irene Fernandez for 13 years?… Megat Junid… that’s the name! Typical Umno warlord whose feudal mindset was caught in an 18th century timewarp…

25 Jun 2009 9.39pm

Those who is against whipping the illegal immigrant probably has never face the wrath of social ill created by this illegal immigrant cum potential criminal.

What next are you going to suggest? Abolish death sentence to drug traffickers? I believed as long as we make it clear about the punishment waiting for those illegals, than it is up to them if they decided to throw their dice and pick their chance.

25 Jun 2009 5.37pm

Me been to prison too..but me sokong whipping.. illegal local agents / patrons / immigrants.. except for victims of circumstances / assylum seekers.. in fact whipping should be extended to corrupt officials too.. whip gao gao..

25 Jun 2009 3.03pm

By merely deporting illegal immigrants back to their countries is not enough to prevet them from coming again. Besides it is a drain of both financial and manpower resources of the country to catch them and send them back. A heavier penalty needs to be imposed to deter illegals entering the country. If whipping is considered cruel and inhuman, then then I would say imprisonment would be just as cruel as it degrades both mind and body, in their languishing in far-from hygienic and overcrowded cells just as caged animals in pet shops do. i beleive whipping is necessary for… Read more »

Aussie Bob
Aussie Bob
25 Jun 2009 2.55pm

Thats 14 people every day for 7 years, or around one person every half hour every day to 7 years – doesnt sound as if it’s working as a deterrent!!

25 Jun 2009 2.24pm

I’m one of the previledged ones who goes int Kajang and Sungei Buloh prisons as a social worker. In my conversations with many of these people I found out that a majority of them were victims of unscrupulous agents from both sides. They pay huge sums of money in their home country to agents and when they arrive here they find that they have been cheated and do n not get the treatment and remuneration that they were promised. Some of them were even dumped and abandoned when deals by agents with prospective employers goes awry. They are left to… Read more »