Hmm, Hee now says it was not her pepper spray…


Remember how Hee was quoted in theSun as saying that what she was brandishing was actually a hotel key chain and pen drive?

So what do you make of this? The Star now carries this report of her saying that the device was actually flung at her and she was merely demanding to know whether it was Aulong assembly member Yew Tian Hoe who had thrown it at her.

Hee: It was not my pepper spray

IPOH: Perak Deputy Speaker and Jelapang assemblyman Hee Yit Foong said the pepper spray device she had been accused of using to attack a Pakatan Rakyat rep with during last Thursday’s chaotic Assembly was not hers.

She claimed the device had been flung at her earlier during a fracas.

She said she does not know how to even operate such a device, and that she had held it up to Aulong assemblyman Yew Tian Hoe to demand if he was the one who had flung it at her.

Anyway, this focus on the pepper spray is just media red herring. The larger issue is this: dozens of police and plainclothes men entering the Dewan and dragging away a presiding Speaker. Why don’t the mainstream media focus attention on that?

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13 May 2009 7.10am

no la. she was holding her key to the new mercedes or campry? trying to show off…

… liar.

13 May 2009 1.06am

hee haw sounds like an … or a …!! that woman has no calibre..she’s a washout.

13 May 2009 12.29am

“Now you know how stupid is Hee Yit Foong, she doesn’t know how to operate a pepper spray. No wonder she thought she can usurp the authority of a sitting speaker. What a shame! DAP should ensure in future that all it’s candidates for MP or SA should be at least pass certain IQ level, in order to avoid having a problem like this stupid woman.” – Ong Eu Soon Agreed. Wonder how on earth DAP could field someone of her calibre? There is nothing in her that befits an MP… not to say a Deputy Speaker (can’t even speak… Read more »

12 May 2009 12.37pm

No lah she is innocent. And it is anti bacteria spray. The other MP coughed….

12 May 2009 11.57am

If there is a reelection, PR will win Jelapasng without campaign.
The folks in Jelapang swear that idiot like mad.

12 May 2009 11.45am

Comeon guys….its not her pepper spray man. That lady who is holding the pepper spray is actually not her. Looks like her, speaks like her, stupid like her but actually not her la.

Collateral Damage
Collateral Damage
12 May 2009 10.36am

Liar, liar, pants on fire…

12 May 2009 9.36am

If there is a state re-election, I don’t think this … will even be selected to represent BN…..and if this is the case, I wonder if BN would claim back whatever they had given to her???? Let’s hope this is the case, then she would end up having nothing after all the … things she has done.

Ong Eu Soon
Ong Eu Soon
12 May 2009 8.30am

Now you know how stupid is Hee Yit Foong, she doesn’t know how to operate a pepper spray. No wonder she thought she can usurp the authority of a sitting speaker. What a shame! DAP should ensure in future that all it’s candidates for MP or SA should be at least pass certain IQ level, in order to avoid having a problem like this stupid woman.

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
12 May 2009 7.47am

Perhaps it was her hair spray (but she pointed it in the wrong direction)?

11 May 2009 11.55pm


Pants on FIRE….

11 May 2009 11.36pm


11 May 2009 11.12pm

Hee Haw just spins lies…

11 May 2009 11.04pm

HEe Y. Fong

I wonder (someone) like you can even be a Deputy Speaker

If you think What you did was right…and no one saw the truth be it !

But everyone can see and there is prove …so you can lie ! There is evident…

11 May 2009 10.50pm

A … person reveals herself by her words and actions. There is no two ways about it. She can’t hide the person she really is.

11 May 2009 10.46pm

She doesn’t matter now.

Fresh elections and she’s gone.

11 May 2009 9.48pm

Hee Haw hee haw hee haw hee haw…hee haw …

11 May 2009 9.15pm

Will UMNO be reporting HEE for showing disrespect to the Monarchy by tearing the note with ur first Agong’s prtrait.
Go to google search, you find that it is an offence to tear notes in many countries

11 May 2009 9.12pm

Aiya, how to trust a proffessional?
At first she said it is a key chain and now it is a peeper spray.
You see how fantastic her spin is. She said that some one threw the spray to her. Must be an expert in catching which I doubt.
Remember she tore the dollar note. She claimed that the note was already torn. How sweet the story is.
Anyway If BN come to power this is the standard of their speakers.
This attributes are ingrained in their culture

pat ling
pat ling
11 May 2009 8.35pm

There’s nothing wrong in keeping a pepper spray for self defense against sexual advances by so many rampant wolves these days. You’ll find one almost in every sweet young thing’s handbag. Hee (I mean she) must think that she (I mean Hee) is one of those sweet young things. Hee! Hee! Hee! …

11 May 2009 8.16pm

liar is liar; chicken still the chicken………I believe on karma, one day the chicken will come true to be a real chicken….I like KFC….

Leong Yook Kong
Leong Yook Kong
11 May 2009 7.56pm

Why should we waste our breathe on Hee? Is it worth? …

11 May 2009 7.44pm

she just a broom or penyapu only for the Bn. after the broom is dirty… the owner will just throw it away in the dustbin.

Hee is a stupid old….!!!

Lion King
Lion King
11 May 2009 7.10pm


So she’s waving her Hotel Keys in front of the Boys for what? Hey everyone, this is my Hotel Room Number!! Let’s Party!

11 May 2009 6.57pm

She is a real shame as a YB!!!! She can’t even speak proper English & Bahasa Melayu.

Whose fault is it??? What kind of candidate did DAP choose for the election?????

Shame on you ,DAP!!!!