No homework for pupils. Wholesome all-round education. A school farm where pupils can experience and learn living science. No extra classes or tuition for pupils. Little emphasis on exams. And yet commendable academic results.
Sounds like a school in Finland, whose education system consistently tops global rankings – except it isn’t.
Education Minister Maszlee Malik, known to be an admirer of the Finland education system, need not look so far. He should first check out the Sungai Ara Tamil primary school in Penang to find out how a small school – with just a dozen committed teachers and 130 pupils – can do wonders with limited resources.
Principal Sangga Sinnayah and his teachers have done an amazing job in transforming the school since he took over in 2011. It helps that the head is an educator of his time and place, instilling in his pupils a love for nature and the need to protect the ecology. Full article on Aliran website
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Maszlee’s only accomplishment so far is implementing black shoes, as far as we can see.
“If the rakyat were to give the Education Minister, Dr Maszlee Malik, a report card for his performance, it would be “F” for “Fail”. Permata is a no-brainer for him” – Mariam Mokhtar
Why not go to beach to collect plastics and rubbish?
hehe…too shy to say learn from Singapore instead always look up to much “superior” ang moh Finland with unemployment rate of 7% and one of the worst EU country in sexual violence….
They can also learn from Singapore to grow vegetables on High rise rooftops. Watch this:
Poor sex education, social exclusion leading mums in Malaysia to abandon babies.
The country is grappling with the problem of baby dumping as confused and fearful women struggle with various restrictions, from sex education to abortion access, and condemnation of single mothers.
Learn about the greenhouse effect on global warming in this short video:
This is how else the RM24b bailouts for Felda, Tabung Haji could have been used and abused: