Why are so many non-Chinese enrolled in this Johor Chinese school?

China is expected to play a growing influence in this region Photograph: South China Morning Post

A Chinese vernacular school in Johor has received a record number of new non-Chinese Malaysians pupils, who make up more than half of its latest intake for the current year, raising eyebrows among many Malaysians.

This report from theSun:

PETALING JAYA: Non-Chinese make up more than 50% of the new intake of SJK© Masai, Johor Baru, this year, making it probably the Chinese school with the highest ratio of non-Chinese pupils down south.

According to a report in Sin Chew Daily today, the school received 233 new pupils out of which 130 are non-Chinese.

The school has a total of 1,559 pupils at the last count, and 667 of them or 43% are non-Chinese.

SJK(C) Masai parent-teacher association president Zhang Fu Kai told the daily that this year, for the first time ever, the school saw Chinese pupils out-numbered in its new intake.

He said Malays accounted for the bulk of the 130 new pupils with 77, followed by Indians with 14, and 39 from various ethnic groups from Sabah and Sarawak.

He attributed the climb in the ratio of non-Chinese pupils in the school to a drop in the Chinese population in relation to other races and the fact that the school is located in an area populated by non-Chinese.

What conclusions can we draw from this, if any?

Does this suggest that confidence among Malaysians in the quality of education in national schools is ebbing? Full article on Aliran website.

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3 Jan 2018 12.43pm

Perkasa and Umno need to acknowledge that Malays prefer Chinese education for better future.

3 Jan 2018 6.04pm
Reply to  FaDa

Should plan to build one SJKC in Forest City?

3 Jan 2018 9.30pm
Reply to  Kiong

With projected huge population in Forest City, one SJKC is definitely not enough! More like 10 to meet demand & strategic survival of one child of families of the rich + famous.
SJKC turns SJKC International? Maybe.

4 Jan 2018 3.40pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

With extra curricular activities like computer appreciation classes using Minecraft gaming syllabus to further exploit the parents during school holidays. May be some readers who are parents can elaborate further?

4 Jan 2018 9.27pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

One example in Penang: Han Chiang University College.
I heard the monthly school fee for a private secondary school education is about Rm1K. Unbelievable! Should ask the Thais.

9 Jan 2018 8.27pm
Reply to  tunglang

Twenty-one missions schools in Penang today got a RM1 million boost from the state government to upgrade their facilities.

Each school received between RM10,000 and RM80,000, with SMK (L) Methodist in George Town and SMK Convent in Butterworth getting the highest amounts of RM80,000.

Penang exco member Chong Eng, who chairs the Chinese and Mission Schools Affairs coordination committee, said this year marks the 10th year the state has been contributing to mission schools, adding that they had been neglected by the federal government.

4 Jan 2018 7.02pm
Reply to  Kiong

can object to condo for foreigners but not Chinese international schools for locals and foreigners?

SL Tay
SL Tay
18 Jan 2018 11.58am

Pakistanis are learning mandarin to embrace 1 Belt 1 Road initiative.

Luo Bei
Luo Bei
19 Jan 2018 2.11pm
Reply to  SL Tay

TV3 should show such clip.

6 Jan 2018 12.03pm

Many Chinese from other states ‘migrated’ to JB to shuttle to work in Singapore daily. Their children are studying in SJKC. Thus the strong demand over the years.

3 Jan 2018 8.54pm

Off topic because readers alert difficult to log in.

Tomorrow 7.30pm MCA talk on “real” Penang at Chinese Town Hall at Pitt St. Not sure if this is part of Najib the “rakyat” cyberdrives? Not sure if The Engineer has invited Anil to provide live feed?

4 Jan 2018 9.38am
Reply to  Heng

BN is using ‘The Rakyat’ as web site for its GE propaganda, trying to mislead those still aligning to the Pakatan Rakyat?

6 Jan 2018 10.54am
Reply to  Kiong

BN using (paid?) propagandist like Engineer to give pot shots(?)

4 Jan 2018 9.30pm
Reply to  Heng

Who gives a damn?

3 Jan 2018 3.54pm

There is not a communist under every bed, Chinese schools offer good education and discipline……and i… https://t.co/vHLNSVxXQE

Mah HS
Mah HS
29 Jan 2018 9.36am

More than 140 pupils from 14 secondary schools across the UK have taken part in what is described as the country’s largest ever Chinese lesson to showcase the skills they developed as part of the Mandarin Excellence Programme.


“Young people fluent in Mandarin will be at a significant advantage when competing for jobs with their peers from around the world, and will help us to build a Britain that is fit for the future and ready to compete.”

Mah HS
Mah HS
27 Jan 2018 10.21pm
7 Jan 2018 10.18pm

Have we not heard of quality vs quantity? This is the exact scenario of our education system running without a proper rudder. I personally have seen students from Chinese medium schools expecting better standards & performing better than those from national types. Even my friend’s son opted out of Penang Free School to study in Heng Ee. Even in tuition centres, [students from a certain ethnic group] would not care to come regularly till the start of exams. How to perform well??? One may say the Chinese vernacular schools will dwindle as Chinese population decreases which is true. But one… Read more »

4 Jan 2018 9.40pm

Another sign of the times: Penang expects record RM10b investments for 2017 https://malaysia.yahoo.com/news/penang-expects-record-rm10b-investments-2017-084800255.html Penang is expecting to top the manufacturing sector in the country with over RM10 billion in approved investments for the whole of 2017. Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the Malaysian Investment Development Authority’s latest report placed Penang at the top in the country with a total RM8 billion in foreign direct investments (FDI) in the manufacturing sector between January and September 2017. “The domestic investment stands at RM1.9 billion which brings to a total of RM9.9 billion,” he said in his speech at the signing… Read more »

6 Jan 2018 8.31pm
Reply to  tunglang

Mah says DAP’s time is up. PF, ah pek going to vote for mah? Ah pek will be first to vote back mah’s party back to power

Muttaqin Othman
4 Jan 2018 6.34am

Many of my frens are doing this too even at kindie level

3 Jan 2018 9.48pm

Anybody from Penang Free School in the 70s?
Compare the 70s standard of PFS student education excellence to now, I am ashamed but not perplexed for known reasons. Now, no one heard of PFS in the top league of Penang schools with national exam par excellence. I heard even MBS is much, much better today.

6 Jan 2018 8.34pm
Reply to  tunglang

Residential schools and science college produces best results. Everyone passes and almost everyone gets A.

3 Jan 2018 9.24pm

Lego-Engineer does not know? Or in perpetual denial di bawah tempurung?

A new lingual paradigm shift is happening which may change the social interaction of societies esp. down south in the future. A shift which may engender mutual respect among the races & promote better understanding & efficiency in business + social relations. May lead to better guanxi? May lead to opportunities for Johoreans?

I would love to converse with TMJ who may speak better Mandarin than me!

7 Jan 2018 8.01am
Reply to  tunglang

What guanxi? Do you know that China is the largest English speaking country in the world now? https://www.irishtimes.com/news/the-largest-english-speaking-country-china-of-course-1.788688 No one is doubting the so-called importance of Mandarin, but you live, eat, sleep and … in this Nusantara with more than a quarter billion population spanning Indonesia and Malaysia, which largely speaks Bahasa and you can’t even string a proper sentence in Bahasa and you dare called yourself a “Malay-sian”? And you dare ask for so many things and complain racist this and that? Go out and mix with some Malays and understand their thoughts first la, instead of drinking kopi-O… Read more »

7 Jan 2018 9.59pm
Reply to  Engineer

The Malays I mixed majority say: “UBAH, matilah UMNO!”
Now, what you say???
Btw, I have friends on both side of the political divide. I am not spinning.

8 Jan 2018 5.00am
Reply to  tunglang

What spinning? You can’t even rebut most of my points all this while. You can shout all you want for the “death of UMNO” but a realistic appraisal would yield a much more grounded opinion of the current political situation rather than swallow whatever crap dished out by Pakatan. Case in point, I asked whether you will still forgive Dr.M if he returns to UMNO tomorrow. You didn’t answer anything. In politics anything is possible especially when dealing with Dr.M. I wouldn’t surprise if he calls it a day . I have asked you to explain how 1MDB has siphoned… Read more »

7 Jan 2018 10.04pm
Reply to  Engineer

Cannot speak Mandarin?
Then forget about doing business with the Chinese.
Just go on doing small business in places like MARA Digital Mall with your own kind & pls don’t be overtly-jealous of other races making more money than your kind! Boleh???

8 Jan 2018 3.14am
Reply to  tunglang

Here are the top 10 trading partners with China: 1. United States 2. Hong Kong 3. Japan 4. South Korea 5. Taiwan 6. Germany 7. Australia 8. Malaysia 9. Brazil 10. Russia 8 out of 10 of these trade partners are non-Mandarin speaking countries (although Hongkies speak Cantonese mostly instead of Mandarin). So you mean United States can’t trade or do business with China because Americans can’t speak Mandarin? What stupid logic is that? Bottom line is this: nobody is saying Mandarin is not important. It is an important language of the day. But Bahasa should not be forsaken because… Read more »

8 Jan 2018 6.28pm
Reply to  engineer

Engr… Whether one is from North China, South or overseas, one understand putong language. Try to speak to a one from East or West Indon…. Here, we speak Malay and they speak Dutch Indonesian. Years ago, your dumbno employ Cowok lecturers and your dumbno students have a hard time to understand the terms and what more the concept of the material. … trying to understand Indon written language.

Kah Seng
3 Jan 2018 3.42pm

(1) The Chinese “educationalists” have been right all along. They are only smeared by BN propagandists. (The English-education, or mission school educated were just too straight forward to see through BN or government complicity.) (2) Even if you don’t agree with the cultural “chauvinism” of the educationalists, you can agree with keeping them to provide competition, diversity, freedom of choice for parents, and benchmark for the entire education system. In time the benefit appears, like now. (3) The core of success is self determination, and a responsible board of trustees. If you give that to the fomerly mission schools, you… Read more »

3 Jan 2018 10.15pm
Reply to  Kah Seng

Only bigot like engineer thinks SK sch is nation building. What nation bldg when his amno made promises to build a new primary sch in malacca 7 years ago and yet fail in amno promises. Can Bigot engineer promise no lower class rakyat? Even east malaysians attending SK sch and member of the sarawak rangers are (allegedly) treated as lower rakyat.

4 Jan 2018 9.31am
Reply to  shriek

Students in SJK (T) Ladang Jasin Lalang, Malacca, chose to boycott their classes instead and stood outside the school gates in a show of protest.

This is because their parents were dissatisfied with the federal government for not building a new school building, promised 7 years ago during the Merlimau by-election.

Read more at https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/407407#40mi492lxf12Vk1M.99

Janji kosong. Trust your MIB?
Protest with your votes in GE14.

8 Jan 2018 4.42am
Reply to  shriek

Tunku Mahkota Johor actually proposed to abolish vernacular schools back in 2016 so that everyone irrespective of their races go to the same schools. Why no comment from you about that proposal?


8 Jan 2018 6.31pm
Reply to  engineer

Another why waste time wack, wack or chick chick. Even dumbno remain deep silence. Why don’t you comment?

Luo Bei
Luo Bei
19 Jan 2018 2.14pm
Reply to  engineer

Malaysia football ranking now 175 in latest Fifa ranking, TMJ as New FAM chief cannot improve standing because unlike JDT, he cannot buy foreign players to strengthen the team.

7 Jan 2018 7.46am

Well, not much conclusion can be made other than lesser Chinese children being enrolled in Chinese schools. This is due to lower fertility rate among the Chinese community in Malaysia. And how many non-Chinese out of the total non-Chinese children enrolled for that year that actually chose to go to Chinese schools? My guess is that it is minuscule at best. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2016/02/16/drastic-fall-in-chinese-birth-rate-dept-of-statistics-population-ratio-will-fall-to-just-184-by-2040/ Moving forward, Chinese ratio in this country will fall to 18% of the population by 2040. I can only see lesser national-funded Chinese schools being approved in the future. With a falling Chinese population, I can also see… Read more »