The folks at Aliran have been busy putting together the latest issue of Aliran Monthly in time for the by-election. And it has just been mailed out to subscribers. If you are not a subscriber, what are you waiting for? 🙂 To subscribe, just click here. Or you can get a copy from leading book-shops and selected news vendors.
This month, because of the forthcoming Permatang Pauh by-election, the cover story is immediately available online! Khoo Boo Teik discusses the significance of three recent elections involving small towns and goes on to the suggest that Permatang Pauh will be a major political battleground whose outcome will have national significance. For many Malaysians, Permatang Pauh’s mission, come 26 August, is more than about returning Anwar to Parliament. This town has a national choice to make.
Anwar addressing a large crowd in Permatang Pauh
Barring massive electoral fraud, Anwar is one by-election and two weeks short of returning to Parliament. When he does, he’d be the Opposition Leader of a second coalition. After that people would want to know if he’d really form a new Federal government in mid-September as he has declared, promised, or threatened. Full story in Aliran Monthly
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To The Winner, YAB Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, “CONGRATULATIONS” on behalf of the Malaysian people in Australia. May God continue to Bless, Protect & Prosper you in all your undertakings for the Country of Malaysia. We believe in you & also know without a shabow of doubt that you & the people you choose will lead well & take Malaysia to another level of Harmony, Prosperity, Power & International Signigicance. To The Loser, namely BN, GET OVER IT & FACE THE TRUTH THAT YOU HAVE BEEN DEFEATED “NATIONALLY”. DON’T BE A SORE LOSER!!! Quote: In this age of “credit”, if… Read more »
Bravo DSAI. Malaysian badly needed DSAI to be in the Parliment ASAP, and thus be our next PM to lead the country toward Malaysian Malaysia.A NEW DAWN FOR MALAYSIAN. Inshaallah…
ILLEGAL EXPENSES BY THE BN DURING GENERAL ELECTIONS 2008 Kuala Lumpur High Court judgment ordering UMNO to pay RM 218 million for 2004 general elections campaign materials exceeds the 2004 general election spending limit of RM 94.3 million at the maximum RM 200,000 per parliamentary constituency and RM 100,000 per state constituency KL High Court judgment ordering UMNO to pay RM 218 Million for 2004 general elections campaign materials exceeds the 2004 general election spending limit of RM 94.3 Million at the maximum of RM 200,000 per parliamentary constituency and RM 100,000 per state constituency. Under section 19 of the… Read more »
Looks like we have to keep promoting awareness of what Good Governance is all about until it becomes a reality in our beloved Malaysia. —————————————————————- Universal principles of good governance and rule of law ….. Can we learn from the Iraqi experience??? A global consensus recognizing that good governance is vital for economic development and poverty alleviation has emerged. Good governance provides an enabling environment for general economic development, human resources development, ensuring the prevention and resolution of conflict. All these elements are essential to build a firm common ground for Iraqi national reconciliation. Good governance, as we know, is… Read more »
BN has resorted to all sorts of dirty tacts; but it will
not work. People to know their colour.
The time is too short and Brother Anwar will come out a winner
with Allah’s grace.
We all pray for him.
This BN drink already expired. Don’t drink.
What printed is future-dated. Can we believe in what BN-Umno says?
This is the time in our nation’s history we are going to see a real change in the political landscape. The ongoing fight against abuse of power by The BN and the massive corruption in the government machinery, rising gas prices, the effects of racist policies by the BN government, access to fair and quality and affordable education for our childrens children, are just some of the real life problems we all face in our nation today. With the right leadership, and a change of attitude and focus, Anwar Ibrahim brings a new viewpoint to discover solutions to the problems… Read more »