A group of Sungai Ara residents have scored a stunning victory in the Federal Court as top judges decided in their favour after a decade-long struggle to block a development project on hill-slope land above their residential area.
The court even awarded legal costs totalling RM300,000 in the residents’ favour.
The project involved 13 condominium blocks, three-storey bungalows and other structures over 81 acres, 43% of which was hill land above 250 feet above sea level with a gradient of over 25 degrees.
Such land, other than for “special projects”, was supposed to be preserved and gazetted under the Land Conservation Act 1960, according to the Penang Structure Plan. Full article on Aliran website
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Workshop for spm. All indians orso celebrate Chinese New Year and unable to attend the workshop?
This has been happening for a long time. Make sure you have malay friends to pass you the exam tips and hints (topics to study for sure bet horse run).
Johore Sultan also not happy on this matter. Bangsa Johor should be all equal.
Wonder why the session is held in hotel?
I help you, you help me.
So the hotel also benefited since it involved overnight stay.
Need to clarify who funded the activity.
PTMP has been delayed either no federal approval or lacking fund at state level when artificial islands still cannot progress.
So, all these many years of delay the transport infrastructure projects (including LRT) more or less stagnant while new buildings like mixed development condos mushrooming.
If PTMP cannot proceed, licence for mixed condo development should not go ahead as well since both are not in syn. Consequently we are witnessing increasing chaotic traffic jam now.
How about having mini buses operating within the heritage zone?
The design of the proposed Penang South Islands (PSI), a 1,821ha project next to the Penang International Airport at Bayan Lepas, has been recognised as a sustainable piece of development when it comes to minimising emissions.
Alpha 888, Your Tak PAS Tai Lo does not know the difference between donation and corruption. MACC should question him. When you get FREE lunch, dinner, in his heart, there is a form of gratitude. The person owes Tak PAS a favour and the opportunity to repay the favour is during election.
Further is treating a HIV LGBT. What happen if a LGBT invent a complete cure to to all COVID? Dont give the cure as he is a LGBT?
“Sedekah untuk amal jariah itu okey, tetapi sedekah untuk undi pada pilihan raya itu adalah korupsi,” – DSAI (Feb 23, 2023)
Shriek Reply to A Rakyat 88 dd 25 Jan 2023 5.22am ” Al pha, if all rakyat for it, developers will not get buyers…” ======== Rakyat are all for it for the right reasons not for the mindless developers build, build, build anywhere one likes for profit reasons. And Yes, the air on the top of Penang hill is so so fresh than the air on the ground level. One can smell the difference when one comes down to the ground level from the top of the hill. The state people should build more path ways to hike up to the… Read more »
al pha. you think every developer is gold finger with golden touch?you see too much gold finger in your era? every business has ups and downs. if there are hiking tracks to the hills, it will be overcrowd with unrestraint vistors. even beijing grand palace becomes botak as hundreds of millions vistors visit the palace. they put a cap.even tibet, they put a cap. you better put a thinking cap
There are already a few hiking tracks now going up Penang hill. One from Moon Gate ( famous ), another from Botanical Garden (there is a small waterfall, a few meters high on the left ) and one from Rifle range flats, there is the tared jeep road, all of which has been used for years. There may be a few more. Not sure. Now, have you seen any overcrowding with unrestraint visitors, shriek?
Massive deforestation was among the causes of the heavy floods that followed downpours in Johor, environmentalists said.
Protection of Natural Heritage of Malaysia president Shariffa Sabrina Syed Akil blamed the floods in Malaysia on lack of awareness of climate change, deforestation, over-development and poor drainage.
This is a victory to me not about hill slope development, but new residential area will mean more car population causing more congestion and pollution to Sungai Ara. The danger of uncontrolled growth of motor vehicles is more critical than slope stability.
Datuk Gurdial , Meena and Jess should next assist residents at Taman Lumba Kuda to prevent commercial development there.
Is there any NGO in Penang fighting against the high car density on the island for the sake of environment?
Why no NGO is promoting Pas Mutiara?
Greener rides on electric buses in Singapore:
The recent landmark decision by the Federal Court halting a proposed hillslope development in Sungai Ara in Penang “expressly binds” all state and local authorities to ensure full compliance with federal legislation, says a lawyers group.
Rajesh Nagarajan of Lawyers for Environmental Rights said state and local authorities are now prohibited from using “unethical or inequitable backdoor mechanisms” to approve unsafe developments.
KPKT to provide RM16 million for public housing maintenance in Penang
Residents must also pay the maintenance fees monthly.
dd Jan 20, 2023 10:03 AM
Our Rakyat seem to be all for it. Developers and State should take note of it and move on.
Al pha, if all rakyat for it, developers will not get buyers and let them bleed and get pokkai. Many want good view. Like you can see everything and enjoy mountain fresh air not smog and smoke in the city
With 3 miles islands, they can do whatever they want and don’t disturb the big island. 3/4 of the world is water and 8 billions and billion of animals are fighting every mm on land. Sea is taking away some land and they ought to be replaced
MNC expatriates prefer to live and work on the island, not on Butterworth.
To attract foreign investment, Bayan Lepas industrial zone need to be expanded to include the new islands, for factories and expatriates’ living space.
Not only expat but NGOs and those KbKb about development. They prefer Nimby.
Spend billions on reclaiming islands just for single story factories and produce industrial waste? Must be golden factories
Current E&E (Electrical & Electronics) MNCs in Bayan Lepas are mostly American and German firms that came in 70s/80s. These US/European firms are unlikely to invest further here due to home pressure to bring jobs home (reverse of globalization). Furthermore our workforce is no longer low cost, yet to technically competent enough to move upstream.
Moving forward Penang should invite investment from technology firms of China and South Korea.
Tough time ahead. Better focus on high end tourism, not backpackers coming to Penang to sample cheap street food and chendul and stay in cheap motels.
Need to organise more conventions and MICE activities to lure business travelers paid by companies.
No, No, No, Ayappan. Regardless of Bad times or Goods times, all must be welcomed, to come and enjoy what our Pearl of the Orient, our sweet island of Penang has to offer.
Sweet food spots affordable to locals have become less and less. With proliferation of YouTube, tik tok, Instagram most local favourite makan places have been exposed to deep pockets travellers, and be aware that sooner the prices adjusted higher due to higher demands.
Cecil Street (7th Road) market food are now popular with China and Singapore tourists. Good for hawkers there to earn more but regular locals may be deprived of affordable servings as a result?
Aliran can study the impact ?
Ayappan did not say backpackers on the budget cannot come to Penang but new focus needed to bring big spending tourists to Penang to spur the economy with higher multiplier effect.
Noticed many middle-age Ang Moh folks, mostly from cruise ship on half day stop wandering around Chew Jetty and Beach Street. These ‘tourists’ eat on the cruise ship, do not spend much while on half day walking trip at the heritage zone, only taking photos at mural points.
GEORGE TOWN, Feb 17 — Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow today invited civil society group G25 to a discussion so his government explain in detail its plan to build three artificial islands in the Straits of Melaka and assuage public concerns about the environmental impact.
Another massive Malacca reclamation project: This time a deep-sea port
followed by,
2. ‘Sedekah’ or ‘Contribution’, A Bribe Is A Bribe, Says MACC Chief
by FMT Reporters -January 24, 2023 9:25 AM
Hadi & Muhyiddin are wooing Chinese support on CNY?
Here’s wishing all the Chinese readers a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Harimau Tua hopes that a young rabbit will enter Anil verse to provide valuable and constructive viewpoints and feedback, to balance those negative words.
OTOH, why only now? Remember all the highways cutting through hills and mountains. Is it related to the recent mass deaths from hill erosion?
This court battle spans years since approval was given in 2012. Not many residents groups have the courage or resources to challenge powerful or vested interests.
The main road along Sg Ara has not been expanded to cope with increasing vehicles from residents of many recently added condominiums and housing estates.
Many productive hours lost in congested traffic.
Malaysian drivers somehow never complain wasting time stuck in traffic congestion as they are used to it?
Like covid, must base on science. Engrs base the capacity of road on science. Jams only occur at certain short hours. $$$ use to help poor
By the same logic, flash flood in Penang only occur at certain short hours. Don’t complain if your car got submerged by flood water for 30 minutes. $$$ use to help poor.
Niaokong was well known to love developers’ ways of developing Penang Island.
MPPP can get easy revenues from building cukai pintu (tax), whether occupied or not as mandatory to pay twice a year.
Cukai $$$ used for other purposes like keeping the place clean and improve facilities
The highway is sitting on a viaduct and they reduce the hill slopes. Only the columns are on hill slopes. They are like roman aqueducts. Are aqueducts destroyed by slope failures? The BB slope which killed many is on the slopes and authorities don’t monitor the road side
This ngo must thank Batang kali tragic incident to get federal attention. Otherwise project will likely go on. So the ngo must be realistic and pay regards (pray pray) to the victims of batang kali landslide to give thanks.
in bb, the slide starts just below the state road. everyone keeps kuai kuai
Instead of opening up new land area for housing, the state should consider demolishing old estates and rebuild into new ones to provide better amenities and facilities.
Which empty estates? Old dilapated houses are demolished, NGOs bark and kbkb
Better or cheaper facilities for common people are against the principles of capitalism. Read this professor’s simple explanations, relevant everywhere, including what is planned for us.
Michael Hudson: The Destiny of Civilization:
Western Capitalism is not relevant for developing world. Now the world is looking at China Socialism with Xi’s characteristic with the success of poverty eradication and common prosperity.
west takes few hundred years and cutting and burning to get develop. china takes less than 50 years. now many blme china for global warming but they forget they did than during the first and second industrialisation. uk was full smoke and california smog
Old estates in dilapidated conditions should be demolished to make way for new ones, giving priority to existing residents. Singapore is now replacing old HDB flats built in the 60s in Toa Payoh and Queestown. Those old residents deserve renewal to improve their quality of life.
Local Government Development Minister Nga Kor Ming said the Singaporean government had given its nod for HDB flat contractors to visit his ministry next month to share their knowledge on building affordable homes in Malaysia.
Bersatu complained this as “suatu pencabulan yang jelas ke atas kedaulatan dan keselamatan Malaysia”
The success of HDB in Singapore is very clear. No need to dispute and incite people. Building affordable homes cannot threaten native security. But sadly many people are still insecure and could be manipulated easily since Singapore has been portrayed as bogeyman threatening the bumi rights!
Singapore HDB flat can now cost S$1 million when changed hand. Migrated Hong Kong folks still find it cheap. Ultimately the locals benefited since they bought at discounted price from the government. They can downgrade to smaller flat when retired and the capital gain can support their tight years.
Those criticising the effort to get Singapore to share its experience in providing a national housing policy are hypocrites, says Nga Kor Ming.
The Local Government Development Minister said the same people, when in power, had gone to Singapore to do the same, but failed to learn anything.
HDB is not about building flats, but establishing a housing estate with all facilities like shops, recreation centre, clinics, schools, wet market, community centre etc to serve the community. It enable a business ecosystem such that the residents can can basic services within walking distance – no need to drive around with cars.
HDB flats in Singaore are paid by residents using their CPF – Singaporeans are thus asset rich but cash poor until old age. At retirement and living on empty nest, old folks downgrade to smaller flat and use the profit to sustain their retirement expenses.
Such scenario unlikeliest in Malaysia since people prefer to buy cars that depreciate to little salvage value. Also people prefer to withdraw EPG for other trivial expenses like jewellery besides cars and overseas holidays.
Singapore has one of the most successful affordable housing models in the world and it is the right move for Malaysia to seek assistance from the republic, said Yayasan My First Home Foundation (YMFH).
I think we must also engage Singapore PWD (Public Works Dept) to advise our JKR (Jamman kerja rajin)!
Penang Rifle Range flats needs renewal. Salma Khoi and PF folks will not complain since it is not in heritage zone!
End of an era: Iconic Rex Cinema to be demolished
PF may protest ?
Could Penang lose another heritage building to developers? Spotlight on former Rex Cinema building with Art Deco architecture
Could be be turned into a museum? Probably reviving the Comic Museum, expand it to become also a Toy Museum. Superman Hew could be interested?
Harimau Tua dd 21 jan 2023 3.24Pm ” Harimau Tua hopes that a young rabbit ………….” ======== Young rabbits? Even after you have left to the afterlife, there still won’t be any young rabbits entering ‘Anil verse’ to fulfil your hopes of …… Just the other day one young rabbit simply crossed the road looking down at his handphone without looking at left or right for oncoming vehicles. That is the nature of today’s couldn’t be bothered young rabbits. But you can always hope or you can step up and do something about balancing those so called ‘negative words’ (… Read more »
Why you must behave like a cyber bully?
Have some respect for fellow readers!
You mean truth or opposing thoughts hurts and you don’t like it. So, you declare people who give opposing thoughts or speak the truth as being cyber bullies. Honestly, ah think you have no idea how a cyber bully behaves.
Stick around, would like to hear your thoughts on current events taking place in our Nation. Don’t run away when the going gets tough. Look at shriek, he’s been here since 2018, giving his views.
Focus and debate on the issue, not personal attack. So simple still cannot understand, where did you get your education?
By the way Mr. Ajith, are you the one, the young rabbit that Harimau Tua was wishing for, to enter Anil verse to provide valuable and constructive viewpoints and feedback, to balance those negative words? If you are the one, again, looking forward to hear your viewpoints etc.
Not attack but refuting your arguments. Learn about taoism. The ying and young.
Thank you Ajith for standing g up for me.
You can be the young rabbit fighting for justice.