RPK boards the Abolish ISA caravan


Seremban folks welcome their guest-of-honour at last night’s vigil

“ISA should be discarded into the Straits of Malacca!”

Photos by Rakyat@Work, whose camera battery was threatening to run out at the high points of the vigil.  (Rakyat woke up at 11.00am today after a long and exhausting day – and night – “at work” yesterday!)

Tomorrow’s vigils:

Date: Sunday, 9 Nov 2008 (Sunday)
Time: 8.00pm
Venue: Taman D R Seenivasagam, Ipoh (Map) and near Amcorp Mall, PJ

These Abolish ISA vigils are making a difference. All three ISA detainees arrested in recent weeks have now been freed – but there are 65 others. One by one, we will get them out.

Last night’s vigil in Seremban was encouraging for two reasons: the presence of more Malays, lending a more multi-ethnic face to the campaign against the ISA, and of course, the arrival of the special guest, the just-released ISA detainee, RPK.

Blog reader Angela Ooi of Seremban reflects:

Thank you everyone who came for our second vigil. We, Seremban folks, could not believe our luck having our beloved RPK spend time with us almost piping hot from his Kamunting cell. Earlier, I had asked Marina what message she had for the Seremban vigil.

She replied, “No message except I will bring Pete to them when he is free.”

Thank you dear Marina for keeping your word. God bless Raja Petra and his family – this is one cherished, loved and respected ROYALTY. Daulat Tuanku!

Now that Raja Petra is freed, I sincerely hope we do not forget our 65 fellow Malaysians who are not. Our Seremban vigil will continue till the government learns to listen to the rakyat who want the ISA abolished immediately. I hope all will continue to support this vigil and come in increasing numbers as the weeks go by. God bless Malaysia and more power to its people.

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Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Samuel Goh Kim Eng
9 Nov 2008 2.44pm


Let all innocent ones be set free
Not fair to hole them up in any tree
As unfortunate victims of detain and hold spree
Honour and respect truth and set all innocent ones free

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 091108 http://MotivationInMotion.blogspot.com
Sun. 9th Nov. 2008.

future era
future era
9 Nov 2008 5.57am

Bravo RPK, keep up the good work. Now we want Hindraf 5 and all ISA detainees to be released and abolished the ISA now. Rpk is our hero, but looking at this Dr. Kua Kia Song, sigh, what a contrast. Couldn’t fill a nomination form in the 1995 General Election, was booted out from New Era College, now instigating those innocent and gullible students going against the wishes of the rakyat. This Kua Kia Song is a … disgrace … when compared to our hero RPK. Long live RPK, please go away quietly Mr. Principal- the can’t fill nomination form… Read more »

9 Nov 2008 4.45am

This is MAKKA SAKTI #PEOPLES POWERS# everbody get involve to an issue that’s not rewards to the M’sians,M’sia pratice Mornach Democratics.Why should we M’sians,to decide what types of party to manage this country of Malaysia but they makeuse of us,so wake upnow. M’sian decides.

9 Nov 2008 1.17am
Dalbinder Singh Gill
Dalbinder Singh Gill
8 Nov 2008 10.43pm

yes.. a vigil is linked to religion anil…

agadam nagadam
agadam nagadam
8 Nov 2008 10.36pm

Now, should we send Albar to Kamunting?? He’s got to say something now and clear the air… He s#$ewed up…
So what’s his punishment..?

He’s got to pay as well…

Raja Petra has got serious stuff to discuss now, with DSAnwar..We don’t have time no more…I mean the crossover and all..

simon li
simon li
8 Nov 2008 9.15pm

Some supporters of RPK and Malaysia Today may not want to read the following. It was indefensible to use the ISA on raja petra. It is only justice that he has been released. At the same time, freedom-loving Malaysians are unaware that Malaysia Today has (allegedly) blocked out a good number of people who posted comments opposed to or merely disagreeing with RPK’s views, WITH NO PROFANITIES OR ABUSE on their part whatsoever. It is very disturbing that a hidden under-current lurks behind a website and its people who ride on the ideals of Malaysians and the true Opposition fighting… Read more »

8 Nov 2008 3.09pm

The first step to kill draconian laws is to keep reminding people of the existence of such laws. It is only when many realise the cruelty of such laws that the government will react by releasing those suffering under such laws and maybe to eventually repeal the ISA and its sister the Emergency Ordinance. It takes a lot of time and effort to keep up such vigils but vigils has been a highly effective tool of many civil rights movement around the world. Do not let your detractors tell you otherwise they are at best ignorant people.

8 Nov 2008 2.12pm

the work has just begun.

court has ruled hamid albar’s call for RPK’s detention illegal. there must be repercussion for such irresponsible act. we must not let politicians who abused power get off like that.

sim kwang yang
sim kwang yang
8 Nov 2008 2.01pm

Well done. Good news, especially about more Malays taking part. Keep up the good work.

Stephen Felix Grosse
Stephen Felix Grosse
8 Nov 2008 1.32pm

I was at the first Seremban candlelight vigil last Friday. I was also at the Amcrop Mall vigil on last Sunday. It’s nice to note that Raja Petra is out. Good news surely. But we have to keep the candles burning, for the others.

We’ve only just begun………