1837: One eye-witness observes of the delegates: “(Almost) everyone looks Malaysian. Very odd!”
1811: The protesters are holding up placards bearing messages such as ‘Any forest left?’, ‘Stop denying Penan rape’, ‘Don’t halt EU-Malaysia anti-illegal logging deal’, and ‘Declare your wealth’.
1800: Taib Mahmud has entered the conference hall. He must have used a side-entrance and given the demonstrators the slip. The protesters are unable to enter the hall due to prohibitive conference registration fees: 1,000 pounds sterling plus VAT per person. For groups of three or more, it is 880 pounds plus VAT per person. Way too expensive for the common folks.
The protesters are from assorted groups; they are mostly individuals concerned about various issues. Says one British activist: “We want to make people in the UK and around the world aware and to let them know that there are people who care about the Penan. It is completely unacceptable that under Taib’s administration, much of the forest has been given to plantations and dams. The Penan have the right to their land.”
1725: Those at the conference are now waiting for Taib Mahmud. Protesters are gathered at the two entrances. His car is now moving around the area.
1714: There are about 30-40 protesters, mostly British, joined by a couple of Malaysians. The Malaysian delegates to the conference are walking into the venue in small groups.
1651: Protesters have gathered at the entrance to the Said Business School, according to a source. Reporters are also present. Malaysian officials are looking a bit lost, unable to stop the protest.
The protest is against the School’s decision to invite Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud to deliver a special address at the opening of a two-day forum, organised by the Said Business School of Oxford University and backed by Malaysian corporations.
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Activists protest in London over rape of Penan girls and women. -The Star. The fact that NOTHING’S DONE about these hideous rapes shows what kind of Sarawak CM he proves himself to be. Too busy about … wealth that Penans are worthless throwaways once ‘used’… The world is witnessing a hypo-(aristo)crate walking free and giving talks of his ‘wonderful’ deeds while Sarawak is doomed to internal destruction of its virgin rainforest and ravaging of its peaceful indigenous lifestyle and habitat. Will the rich, cultured, Oxford-minded and first world denizens turn a blind eye to these sins of unspeakable proportion? Or… Read more »
Only partially agree with you, LBJ.
Talented people from non-elite backgrounds do get into Oxford and Cambridge today.
Of course, I also remember reading about criticisms of Cambridge University for taking in Prince Edward to study history although his pre-U grades were not
so good. But being the son of the Queen certainly helps!
Oxford University ranks high in the
Times Higher Education Supplement rankings of world universities.
The glitter of Oxford is just a sham. It is the place for sons and daughters of the elites in UK and its ex-colonies to get “educated”.
Good riddance to all the logging guys who paid big bucks to hear Tai speak.
Did Razak baginda go to Oxford or to Cambridge?
This whole thing kind of very funny in the first place. Global Islamic Branding conference inviting Taib? Think about it, even if we do it in KL, we would not invite Taib for it a major speech maybe for side show, so many other people would be invited.
Seriously what is the difference between what Taib do and what Jho Low does buying million dollar champagne for Paris and thinking he is cool? Ah Pek thinking is not cool man even if you dress it up with brands like Crystal and Oxford. Just tacky…
Ho, ho.
The usual group of right-wing commentators
trying to do damage control, i.e. “no photos”,
“small group of protestors only”
You fellows don’t give up do you??
Just as I predicted, the CM would be greeted by
protestors since the UK has
GENUINE freedom of speech!
Just leave TOKZ alone. He is “doing” his (or maybe her) job. There is another TOKZ at jelas dot info albeit a Jerry_Chin_a.k.a._TOKZ doing similar job. No relation, I guess.
I have lost all respects for Oxford
I have not lose anything. I have no respect for Oxford or UK to begin with.
Zimbabwe and Myanmar would be good for you
We have to let the World know about this (destruction) of sarawak forest
… and uestion how Taib Mahmud and his family (gained) their ernomous wealth.
The Natives Penan have had their ancestral land and forest destroyed by Greed…
Try this link: there are at least 2 pics and a write-up on the protest.
TOKZ: sorry to burst the flippin bubble you live in. I live 40 miles from Oxford and I was there just out of curiosity (I am Too FREE, only need to work 4 days a week) to witness this malarky.
And based on the frequency of your comments, you seem to be a little ‘Too FREE’ as you put it, yourself. Time to look at the man in the mirror perhaps, but then again every man is entitled to his own opinion.
Evidence…bah! that will come out soon…just like it always has.
TOKZ must be one of those TAIB backer …
Judging by the delegates attendance ( almost all Malaysians ), I assume they only rent Oxford Business School’s Hall for this ‘private’ forum… Of course the Uni is more than happy to accomodate since the Malaysian Corporations (could have paid) them big fat money…
For someone more used to being received like royalty by his sycophantic ministers and corporate crony hanger-ons in Kuching airport VVIP Lounge every time he arrives via the chartered corporate jet solely reserved for his use, i.e. the Hornbill Skyway’s Cessna Citation X Executive Jet, this protest must be a slap in his face. Last Saturday in London, despite the best efforts of the Malaysian High Commission staff, Taib could only manage to muster 30 students to come listen to him talk about SCORE over lunch. Imagine, give free lunch to students and still only 30 guys turn up..!!! What… Read more »
Gerakan…can u mention how many inside are listening Taib?
2 or 3…!!! thats all………
” There are about 30-40 protesters, mostly British, joined by a couple of Malaysians ”
Bro, my mind boggles, who’s is that “couple of Malaysians ” They’re our hero of the day, SALUTE !
HERO??? I think they are more like IDIOTS.
Too FREE & have got nothing to do.
TOKZ : If u’re too BUSY then please get off from this site
Oxford who! Money talk!
Better NOT let TONY PUA hear you saying this, ok?
He’s from OXFORD UNI. you know???
30-40 only ???
I think this is a small gathering…
Whether it is 3- or 40 it is still a protest. A protest that is half way round the globe shows that it is a big deal even though most of the people there do not know about our country.
No pixs, No BELIEVE!!!
To show proof….PIXS please!!!
I’m so disappointed with Oxford University – for all its education and (so-called) knowledge they invite such a (person) to deliver a ‘special address’.
It just goes to show that in the end, money talks – even for so-called prestigious institutions! OU – you should be asahmed of yourself!
Bro, any links or pic to this event ?
Don’t think it’s TRUE when it states there are some kinda PROTEST.
Internet technology enables PICTURES to be sent easily at high speed. How come there’s no PIXS to prove it???
Doesn’t it ANSWER the so-called PROTEST as claimed???
Believe what you like, TOKZ.
Some kind of protest means one or two guys with placards.
If the number of protestors are really as big as reported, think they can slip that guy in from the side door?
Anyone that has been to Oxford can tell you that the campus isn’t that big to begin with, and the building in question isn’t _that_ big either.