LIVE: Candlelight vigil in Seremban with RPK


Updates by with live reporting from Rakyat@Work, now at the Dataran Seremban Park:

2139: “Come again, people, same time, same place” is the message that goes out as the vigil draws to a close. What a day… Good night and God bless Malaysia!

2137: RPK thanks the crowd for their support. “Now I am going back to rest, cos I’m a bit tired. Thank you for coming and rest well.” The crowd responds with similar words.

2124: Y L Chong leads the crowd in singing “We are the World”.

2122: The crowd chants, “No, no, ISA! We want change! No, no, ISA!”

2114: RPK joins the crowd in singing “Blowing in the Wind”.

2110: RPK has been addressing the crowd, says Rakyat@Work. Speaking on behalf of the other ISA detainees, RPK says that the remaining detainees had actually asked him to send a message to the rakyat to ask us to support them in their ordeal. Under the ISA, the first thing they take away is your hope, explains RPK. That’s why the ISA is so detrimental. Even the Hindraf detainees, who have been there for only 11 months so far, are saying that that the world doesn’t care whether they live or die. “We can only depend on ourselves,” they lament.

RPK adds that if they have committed any crime, the authorities should put them on trial in court and let them know what they have done. The detainees don’t mind facing jail sentences if they are found guilty. But to put them under ISA without solid evidence is ridiculous. If there is evidence, they should be sent to court.

RPK’s whole speech basically asks us to think about the ISA detainees. The detainees are asking us to give them hope and to set them free. “Think of those who are still under ISA; we must give them hope.”

In the background, cries of “Hidup Petra!” ring out in the night air. A poem is recited in RPK’s honour.

2108: Meanwhile, blogger Antares shares his thoughts with us:

I have been floating like a balloon since an SMS arrived this morning at 10,00am informing me RPK would be released by 4.00pm. At 3.00pm, I sat by the river, listening to the wind and it told me to have faith in Justice Komathy’s core of decency and professionalism. Double happiness on 7 November 2008!

2052: Raykat@Work is busy chatting with folks from Malacca. The crowd sings Lennon’s “Imagine”.  RPK arrives!

2049: The crowd swells to 150 people as more people arrive. They are eagerly awaiting RPK’s arrival.

2030: People are looking forward to RPK’s arrival. They expect him to be late after what has been an extraordinary day in the Klang Valley.

2020: The candelight vigil in Seremban gets underway. About 60 people have gathered there now, this time there are more Malays, perhaps some of them are Pas members, says Rakyat@Work, who has been extremely busy “at work” today.

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Dr. Tan Wan Kay
Dr. Tan Wan Kay
8 Nov 2008 5.37pm

I cant believe it… singing “Blowing In The Wind”?? Honestly, the most crap sounding song ever!

And unbelievable when there other other songs that better convey the message too!

(Great to have RPK back, by the way).

Angela Ooi
Angela Ooi
8 Nov 2008 12.10pm

Thank you everyone who came for our 2nd vigil. We Sban folks could not believe our luck having our beloved RPK spend time with us almost piping hot from his Kamunting cell. Earlier, I had asked Marina what message she had for Sban vigil tonight, she replied, ‘no message except I will bring Pete to them when he is free’ Thank you dear Marina for keeping your word. God bless Raja Petra and his family – this is one cherished, loved and respected ROYALTY. Daulat Tunaku! Now that Raja Petra is freed, I sincerely hope we do not forget our… Read more »

Penang Tionghua
Penang Tionghua
8 Nov 2008 12.00pm

Michael Jackson is wearing a very striking familiar Malaysia outfit in the song “We are the World.”

8 Nov 2008 9.54am

Fantastic News- being overseas we are constantly thinking not only of Raja Petra but all ISA detainees like Hindraf Leaders, PAS and all Prisoners of Conscience.
The road to freedom from Fear,Intimidation,Corruption,Abuse of power and Racism in Malaysia is a long struggle but the Journey has begun by Brave Malaysians like Bloggers Harris,Zorro,RPK,Anil Netto Susan Loone,Nataniel,Z.Samad & many other bloggers, Marchers,Politicians,Anti ISA groups, Protesters -Adults & Children fr all races. May it long continue till the ISA is abolished !

8 Nov 2008 7.54am

Sorry for this off topic post —

Wireless@Penang Forum
Organized by:Penang State Government and MCMC
Time: 2-5 pm
Place: Dome Komtar, Penang
Admission :Free
Date : 8 November 2008

Forum is organised to address health / social issues related to WIFI/
WIMAX implementation. All are invited.

Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Samuel Goh Kim Eng
8 Nov 2008 1.18am

‘You can’t keep a good man down for too long’
That’s what we often hear in any heroic song
Any good man may not even have to be a King Kong
As long as he’s the right guy to get justice along

(C)Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 081108
Sat. 8th Nov. 2008.

7 Nov 2008 11.28pm

Long live RPK,welcome home.Definately all those isa guys who are still inside are always in our mind and support.That hope and support will be shoned in the next GE.

7 Nov 2008 11.03pm

Real sweeeeeeeeeeet, Anil! 🙂

No malice, no force, no evil emperor can withstand the power of LOVE!

Let our love for justice & truth be far, far greater than our fear of tyrants; let our love of freedom & friendship be far, far stronger than our dread of imprisonment!

7 Nov 2008 10.50pm

Thank you justice for DSAI, and Thank you Lord for RPK.Our prayers answered. God is Great!