Dramatic scenes in Kuantan as Lynas ships its concentrate in


‘Pro-Lynas’ demonstrators in Kuantan turned up to stare down anti-Lynas protesters observing how the rare earth concentrate from Australia is transported into the peninsula in the dead of night under police escort.

One of the spokesman for the pro-Lynas group identifies himself as Bahazelan Abd Wahab, the former secretary of the Kuantan and Indera Kota Umno Division. Notice from 13:00 that he doesn’t give his present position and only uses the word “pernah”. (No doubt it will be interesting to find out why is no longer the Umno division secretary.) He is not the village head either but a “wakil kampung”, he adds: “Saya pangil budak-budak saya datang sebab saya kata orang nak cabar kampung kita.”

Meanwhile, Stop Lynas activists are complaining that the containers are not conspicuously marked.

It’s a sad day for Malaysia, say the activists, but they appear determined to carry on their campaign leading up to the general election, which they say will be a “referendum” on the issue: “The choice is yours.”

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9 Dec 2012 12.13am

Evil often disguises itself as something totally banal and boring – a bunch of corporate shysters in pricey suits talking very glibly and lying through their fake smiles to reassure the public that all is well – while they systematically rape and poison the precious environment and ride roughshod over the powerless.

Matteo X
6 Dec 2012 2.00am

Interesting that all of the scientific evidence so far favours Lynas and that every attempt by SMSL has failed in the courts and the government agencies based on facts, not fabrication. Lynas had the permits to operate the plant and the raw materials are much lower activity than the final concentrate. So why the hoo ha?

China has 95% of the global market and wants to keep it’s market share. What better than to support SMSL, who have lost again and again on the facts?

6 Dec 2012 9.45am
Reply to  Matteo X

If SMSL is merely spewing fabricated lies, surely Lynas would have won their defamation case against SMSL, wouldn’t they?

3 Dec 2012 1.02pm

MB Adnan’s pledge to cut off his ears in Bentong should Pakatan wins is another great drama from BN:

Stephen Ng
Stephen Ng
27 Nov 2012 3.05pm

Lynas (may have) started shipping the rare earth from Australia long before it was approved. Conspiracy to the highest order, where is the transparency?

27 Nov 2012 8.23am

1. Lynas has the license
2. AELB said that if license in breached – the TOL is taken from Lynas and no application for re-newal will be accepted
3. Lynas breached the license – containers not signposted
Therefore – Lynas TOL is no longer valid and AELB should not take any further applications.
This is all on record and Lynas should be brought to court for blatantly breaching the laws of Malaysia. This is the clear opportunity to kick them out and if SMSL does not do anything here, then they are worth nothing

Aidil Yunus
Aidil Yunus
25 Nov 2012 9.24am

As usual BN employed Mat Rempits to scare the Green Activists.

Our choice is clear: BN [ ] Pakatan [X]

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
25 Nov 2012 1.38am

Lynas is safe according to real experts and not politicians. What else do you expect ??? The court also OK with it.

Undilah BN

BN [x] Pakatan [ ]

25 Nov 2012 4.46pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

If it is so safe and yet the home country that produces the red earth and 22 millions Australians do not want the processing factory to be located there. Another lies and deceit from UMNO BN. Dont let our country be the dumping ground for garbage and toxic

Vote in PR and kick out BN UMNO and their sycophants

Steve Mathews
Steve Mathews
26 Nov 2012 5.33pm
Reply to  Yang

Another anti Lynas lie. The mines minister for Western Australia said it would be welcome with open arms. I
Lynas was issued a licence to operate there but for logistic and economical reasons chose Malaysia not for a minute thinking there would be so many ignorant people there that would use Lynas As a political tool.

26 Nov 2012 5.49pm
Reply to  Yang

Come off it, ‘Steve’, cut the corporate propaganda.

Logistical reasons? Transporting all the way to Malaysia to process? Who are you kidding?

Economical reasons? Yeah, sure.. a lot cheaper to operate when you know environmental enforcement is poor here.

Who are you kidding?

Jan Johnson
Jan Johnson
27 Nov 2012 12.14am
Reply to  Yang

The fact is 2/3 of the materials used in the LAMP will come from Malaysia. So why transport all those chemicals to a desert, fly in workers, pipe in water and gas and build a power plant?
Australia approved the plant (and other rare earth plants such as Arafura’s at Whyalla) but Malaysia makes more sense strategically.
And before you shriek weak Malaysian regulations…
The concentrate can be transported within Australia and internationally without any restrictions or warnings. The moment it’s in Malaysia it needs to be labelled as (very low level) radioactive.

27 Nov 2012 12.24am
Reply to  Yang

Oh no, ‘Jan Johnson’ – not another pro-Lynas propagandist/public relations specialist from Australia.

Give it a rest – you are not making any impression on public opinion here.

27 Nov 2012 7.53pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

The plant safety is not a proven scientific fact. It is all hypothetical. Only a pilot plant could we collect real-life empirical safety data. Mollycorp before setting up the plant in the desert of california built one before rebuilding the old processing plant. A critical report by NTN raised many disconcerting issues and banished many assumptions in the PEIA. Reading it should make anyone with some common sense to feel disgust at how an insensitive government would put her rakyat in harm’s way. http://www.ntn.org.au/wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Lynas-EIA-Assessment-Report-NTN-April-13-final.pdf And the following article is truly an eye-opener. It is quite easy to read and expresses… Read more »

24 Nov 2012 9.24am

A sad day that hooliganism and mat rempit has their day.
It has happen so many umpteen times
The only way to change that is to vote out UMNO BN and their sycophants.

Haji Idris
Haji Idris
24 Nov 2012 9.15am

Kesihatan rakyat di jamin oleh BN. Bila sakit dan tenat baru hendak U turn sudah lambat.

Nasi sudah jadi bubur ????

24 Nov 2012 4.22am

muka muka yang ada bukannya penduduk kampung selamat yang berhampiran pelabuhan…

Ahmad Sobri
Ahmad Sobri
24 Nov 2012 2.30am

It is sad indeed that connected individuals had been used to mobilize the youths of the kampung. These youths are unaware of the dangers those rare earth concentrate posed. And to see those containers not (clearly) marked as dangerous cargoes, is indeed shocking. This would not have been possible if instructions from higher up are not received. Importing consumables sometimes requires the containers to be marked with special “flammable” stickers. Bukit Merah x10,000 times beckon. 30 years down the line, Mitsubishi rare earth is still carrying out clearing activities in Bukit Merah, and in the vincinity, it was reported that… Read more »

Steve Mathews
Steve Mathews
26 Nov 2012 5.27pm
Reply to  Ahmad Sobri

They are not marked as dangerous because they are indeed not dangerous. It is only dangerous in the minds of anti Lynas because they just don’t have a clue what they are talking about. Why do you think they can’t win a court case. Because they have no facts to prove the danger just vivid imaginations. Lynas is in Malaysia to stay

26 Nov 2012 5.35pm
Reply to  Steve Mathews

Dream on, pro-Lynas propaganda boy. Not another guy from Australia wanting to keep this plant far away from Australia in ‘third world’ Malaysia while he enjoys a safe life in Australia. .

26 Nov 2012 6.33pm
Reply to  Steve Mathews

Hey ******* look here. The Malaysian authorities often touted Malaysian radiation regulation to be superior to Australia because the ore is classified as radioactive here as opposed to Australia. Having unmarked cargo is a VIOLATION of Malaysia’s own regulation because the AELB is supposed to mark it as radioactive upon it reaching Malaysian shore. AELB’s regulatory competency is in question here.