Citizens Chant group holds public dialogue on Penang tunnel project


The Citizens Chant group is holding a public dialogue on the Penang tunnel project on 27 March.

The topic: “A vision for an international liveable City” – A tunnel at liveable Gurney?’

The speakers will be :

Dr Lim Mah Hui Phd. MPPP councilor


Professor Jimmy Lim
Architect, former PAM PRESIDENT
Winner of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture

TEL 04 2271926

DATE & TIME: 27 MARCH 2013, 8.00PM


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SL Wong (@wong8898)
25 Mar 2013 9.20pm

Once a BN bedfellow, forever u are.

Vote for BN = vote for Perkasa = vote for Racist & Gangterism


25 Mar 2013 2.48pm

Teng Chang Yeow is playing a dangerous game by associating himself with Perkasa!

Sure get backlash in the GE!

25 Mar 2013 1.48pm

LGE has obviously never been stuck at the traffic jams in Gurney in the evenings and on weekends. Otherwise he will not have come out such such a totally crazy tunnel idea.

Billie cudk
Billie cudk
25 Mar 2013 1.11pm

Rights to land reclaimation of 44 hectares is equated (development gains) for the four road packages and the tunnel (costs). Like the Chief Minister had reiterated, the tunnel will not proceed if specific assessment reports do not get authorities approval. (an early disclaimer for all to heed or in fact a red herring?) My layman question would be, if the tunnel does not receive the necessary approvals would the rights to land reclaimation be reduced too, logically? Shedding some light would be ideal. Furthermore, out of the 44 hectares would it not be superb that Penangites get to enjoy the… Read more »

Adil Johan
25 Mar 2013 10.48am

Dear Anil,

Can you please get CAP to take on the issue of BN’s proposal for a MONORAIL system in Penang. Is that not a more damaging infrastructure to Penang environment.
Please note the following BN advertisement:


24 Mar 2013 6.41pm

Yes so what is Gurney. In fact under Gerakan master plan, Gurney is to be reclaimed right up to Seri Tanjung in Tg Tokong

25 Mar 2013 4.34pm
Reply to  Yang

the Penang gerakan chief Teng now (appears to be an) associate member of Perkasa.

25 Mar 2013 4.54pm
Reply to  Yang

I think Gerakan master plan is to embrace Perkasa as evident in Teng’s association with the group I the recent rally.

SL Wong (@wong8898)
24 Mar 2013 3.53pm

LGE, don’t waste your time & no need to beg for the “go ahead” from anyone for building the tunnel & expressways. You really can hold your head high for what u have done for the last 5 years for the state & its ppl.

A clean & responsible government will not let its ppl down & disappointed. “Jia yu” & I deeply trust u can do the best for Penang.

Trust LGE for a better Penang. UBAH !!

P/s: If Penang can be selected as world 10 most liveable city, so what is Gurney?

Johan Saravanamuttu
24 Mar 2013 11.55am

I agree with the tenor of these new set of comments. Penangites should see the forest for the trees. As a Penangite and Malaysian, my primary goal is to get rid of the corrupt, unjust and incompetent BN. Too much is made of the deleterious effects of the tunnel. CAP had exactly the same complaints about the first Penang bridge. Don’t most Penangites on the island and the mainland find this now a necessity? The CM already held a public forum on the tunnel question; let’s monitor the project and ensure that it ultimately benefits the large majority of Penang… Read more »

24 Mar 2013 3.07am

It is opposed by ONLY a very small group of SELFISH people who only think of their own backyard just like those opposing high rise residential condo without any consideration for the overall development of the state

Sima Yi
Sima Yi
24 Mar 2013 1.32am

Regret to inform that I can’t make it there. Appreciate it if someone can make my voice be heard. Firstly I’m Not going to ask trivial questions like how to reduce cars on the road or why so many houses & building being built when everyone is busy making babies unless we stop having children. I’m not going to ask about saving the environment when everyone impacts the environment before even leaving the womb unless we stop having children. I’m going to ask one realistic question and that is how do we plan for the transportation needs of Penang in… Read more »

23 Mar 2013 10.31pm

MOU signed by Penang in 2011 when Chinese premier visited Msia.


So what was the RFP for?

SL Wong (@wong8898)
23 Mar 2013 10.09pm

Finally the famous & wealthy from Guyney came out to protest. Fear their super condo appreciates too much & no one afford to buy?

By the way, pls dont simply put your heading The Citizens Chant group lah. Ppl might confuse it represent all Penang citizens. The Gurney Citizens Chant group sound better & more specific to the topic lah.

Wonder why this protest king Lima Hui so free, MPPP got nothing for him to do ah?

24 Mar 2013 2.59am

SL Wong (@wong8898)

Absolutely right.

23 Mar 2013 6.40pm

Having hundreds of public dialogue in this matter will be of no use because the governing side is already resolute and determined to push this project through even if it cost them votes..Only a change in state government will knock a sense to their head that people power prevails at all times.Or we can have a mammoth demonstration such as the like LGE,DAP & PR had never seen before until they rescind the contract given and cancel this project once and for all.

24 Mar 2013 2.53am
Reply to  gobind88

A tunnel is something that is beneficial in the long run IN REDUCING TRAFFIC CONGESTION and the govt has given its reviews through forum and dialogue and it is only opposed by a small group of NGO NOT the majority Lynas is toxic that is harmful to the people and environment. Almost the whole world are now reducing the development of red earth factory. The MAJORITY of people from all walk of life and NGO couple with the MAMMOTH demonstration have opposed it and yet Ah Cheap is NOT WILLING to dialogue and is resolute to push through it. Yes… Read more »

26 Mar 2013 5.05pm
Reply to  gobind88

We people of penang would rather vote for pr dap to govern our beloved oenang rather then changing and giving back penang to the corrupted bn government. We would have the tunnel then bn in penang. So gobind88 your idea of trying to change people here to vote to bn won’t ever came true. Wana hild massive rally? How much u wana gather 200 people like that day at komtar? Dont make more traffic jams near komtar with uneeded demo like this.

23 Mar 2013 6.15pm

Projects of this scale requires years of feasibility studies including social and environmental impact. Such hasty award raises question mark, not to forget, very much unlike what that has been said in buku jingga on the environment . And of course, the implementation on toll system. Remind me again on the PR manifesto!!

Sima Yi
Sima Yi
24 Mar 2013 1.30pm
Reply to  Carlos

isn’t it obvious that its hurried before the GE. LGE is committing the state’s fund
coz he’s not sure whether PR will win again. Rather than letting it fall into be end’s hand.
Wud u want him to leave the assets/money in the state’s coffer and wait for GE to see who
got to put in their hands into the cookie jar?