Vigil outside Rawang police station as cyclists held


2050: Police are now recording the details of 45 Jerit northern team cyclists in the Rawang police station (phone 03-6091 6222). Outside the station, a candlelight vigil is now being held

At first, the police tried to use Section 32 of the Child Act; they wanted to hold the cyclists until their parents came. Then they tried the usual s112 of the CPC. Now, they are just documenting the particulars of the cyclists – name, IC number, address.

“They seem disappointed that all the cyclists below 18 have consent letters from their parents,” says one of the Jerit coordinators inside the station.

Meanwhile, the Jerit southern region cycling team have been freed and they are now in Kajang.

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17 Dec 2008 1.49pm

More than 800,000 children die each year from burns, car crashes, falls, drowning, poisoning and other accidents, according to a UN report recently. Millions more suffer injuries that leave them disabled for life, said the joint report by two UN agencies, Unicef and the World Health Organization. Most accidents happen in developing countries, with the problem most severe in Africa and South-East Asia. So, we know (segments of) the police are bad ppl, so is umno and bn…but what about those adults/parents who allow children to risk dtention and harrassment when they know quite well the risks involved given… Read more »

17 Dec 2008 9.33am

I am from Rawang and my wife helped Jerit in her little ways .
I am glad and proud that she did.

16 Dec 2008 11.26am

They’re just kids riding bikes! Meanwhile, Malaysians are being terrorised by the Mat Rempit, kidnappers, rapists, snatch theives, keris-waving power villains and nothing. (How many) arrests. ..?

16 Dec 2008 10.40am

see it as a free publicity. before the polis harassment, nobody will know about JERIT.

johanssm / khun Pana
johanssm / khun Pana
16 Dec 2008 5.03am

Good to know that the bn gov. and polis successfully made all our teenage JERIT cyclist to really hate them.
After JERIT completed their mission, i am sure they will go home and tells all to their parent,friends and some will blogs the incident …. Maybe they will writes a book!

There are positive and negative outcome from them.
Hope all the participants will not faces trauma .
Be strong and be calm. JERIT , we Malaysian are proud of you all.

16 Dec 2008 3.10am

I’m speechless… can’t even JERIT! I can only bid Musa Hassan an ignominious & speedy exit for bringing the PDRM to the nadir of its professionalism & credibility. I profoundly RESENT paying the police their salaries to harass & intimidate harmless cyclists.


15 Dec 2008 10.45pm

God Bless JERIT