Candlelight vigil for Raja Petra at Dataran last night


Looks like another ‘happening’ night at Dataran Merdeka yesterday. A candelight vigil for Raja Petra. Check out Teoh Jit Khiam’s photoblog here. Great pictures and witty write-up. Nice to see more creative people emerging in Malaysia.

And delighted to hear Raja Petra is out on bail. Welcome back, Pete!

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10 May 2008 11.14pm

Bloody hell, and that Najib pics appearing in big at background? geee, let him go to hell

9 May 2008 10.31pm

Let us NOT waver. Let us ALL, one way or another, push forward together. The March 8 election was a ray of light for all malaysian. This ray of light must be broadened until ALL malaysians is free of the greed of those in power. Greedy politicians must be kick out of the malaysian power structure.

9 May 2008 12.53pm

Can we also have a candlelight vigil for all the NS kids who died during their training?

Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Samuel Goh Kim Eng
9 May 2008 12.37pm

Shoot (with camera) and tell it like it is as in a review
That’s what we want as real news behind the apparent news
Of course we’ll all welcome any honest, objective views
With room still for much needed confessions at the pews

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 090508
Fri. 9th May 2008.