Authorities tighten screws on ISA vigil participants


Fr Paulino Miranda, the parish priest of the Church of the Divine Mercy in Shah Alam, is among those who have been asked to appear in court on Thursday to be charged in connection with their participation in an Abolish ISA vigil/Bersih anniversary commemoration.

The Catholic priest was among 23 arrested during the vigil on 9 November 2008 and later released on police bail the same night. Their bail was not extended when they reported at the police station on 24 November – and they thought then that no further action would be taken. But since last Friday, several of them including Paulino have received  phone calls from the police informing them that they will be charged at the PJ Magistrates Court at 2.00pm on 22 January. Among them were a few vigil participants who were campaigning in the Kuala Terengganu by-election.

The authorities appear to be tightening the screws on those participating in the Abolish ISA vigils.

In Kuala Terengganu, I ran into Bukit Mertajam MP Chong Eng, who told me she had received a phone call from the police informing her that they want to record her statement in connection with her participation in one of the Penang Abolish ISA vigils.

The emcee for one of the Penang Abolish ISA vigils, Paula Khoo, is due to report to the police on the third day of Chinese New Year to find out what action, if any, police want to take.  When she last reported to the police, they extended her police bail.

The weekly Abolish ISA Masses have resumed at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Penang. The first Mass of 2009 was held last Wednesday. Another Mass is expected to be held this Wednesday.

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ivan eric
ivan eric
21 Jan 2009 10.07pm

Heard too that the hearing has been postponed to Friday at 9am

21 Jan 2009 4.24pm

“PJ Magistrates Court at 2.00pm on 22 January”

Anil, I am told by one of the 23 victims the hearing is postponed to Friday at 9 am.

We Care
We Care
21 Jan 2009 10.13am

Let light a Candlelight in our hearts in Hope , Peace & Solidarity.

Let’s Fast and Pray for Wisdom, Revelation, Peace and Tranquility to prevail.

Let’s pray in the spirit.

Tony Wong
Tony Wong
21 Jan 2009 8.35am

What would you think when we beloved Datuk Seri Najib resume the place of PM?

It’s excited, isn’t it? There are still lots more behind the curtains.

By the way, this movie is coming in March 2009, check it out! Sa the trailer and it looks good.

“The Devil is unleashed in March 2009.”

johanssm / khun Pana
johanssm / khun Pana
20 Jan 2009 9.58pm

It is expected.
Polis are the gov. slaves and it is natural that they obeys their master. Whats more now is that their master loses out another parliamentary seat. And those who attends the anti ISA vigils or meetings are those from the PR side.
It is a retaliation from sore losers.
Breaking up such vigils is not part of the normal polis work. Irregardless of permit. As our polis …will only acts upon instructions. Somebody higher up gave the orders.
Important thing now is to get our friends and allies acquittal from court charges.

20 Jan 2009 9.20pm

What poppycock Omar. Our taxes pay their salaries and they support the the corrupt BN. Nobody can be forced to vote for any party. A vote is sacred. A vote is defiled when it is forced. Omar is another… of the BN. Run,… run, the Rakyat’s after you. Remember the song Run Samson Run. Fits in appropriately. The service in the civil service sucks and we all know it. The PR governments in the five states have to deal with (some of) these brain-dead people who spend half their time gossiping and having tea breaks or scheming…. The PR government… Read more »

linda olivia
linda olivia
20 Jan 2009 9.03pm

at least me and my friends from church of the Divine Mercy will be there to support Fr Paulino and all the others. please come to support them. we should do what jayapalan suggested.

20 Jan 2009 8.52pm

Could someone explain to us ignoramus Malaysians. Is there are difference between how Israel Acts and Malaysia acts: Perhaps we do not have a Godfather like the USA to back up our arrogant political leaders cringing and crawling for ‘power’ and ‘praise’. It is funny that they have the audacity and the tremity to condemn Israel on various poines when they treat their citizens like Palestinians. … Sometimes we sit and discuss what are these morons are going to do when they are no more in power. And what would their Uniformed forces be doing too. It is only too… Read more »

Sam Gopal
Sam Gopal
20 Jan 2009 3.08pm

This is an interesting and yet worrying statement made by…: A very frightening concept and if the BN Government has been enforcing it secretly against… Tuesday New Straits Times article: PUTRAJAYA: Cuepacs president Omar Osman has denied that civil servants had contributed to Pas’ victory in Saturday’s Kuala Terengganu by-election. He said public services employees, both those serving the federal and state governments, fully supported the Barisan Nasional and Umno leadership. He was commenting on a claim by Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin. “Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin claimed government staff serving the federal and state governments… Read more »

Angela Ooi
Angela Ooi
20 Jan 2009 6.41am

Using sledge-hammer to kill an ant. This moronic govt going on overdrive this way will backfire. This is making me more adamant to do what I can AGAINST BN.

Seems the coppers are ‘wayang kulit’ their action and do their best to avoid the REAL crooks. Thereare many evil politicians who have been involvled in scandalous sexacapes (resulting in (perhaps even in) convenient UNSOLVED murders); bribery, corruption,etc. These cases they glide over – no further action, case closed. Basket, and I have to go PJ court tomorrow!

aloysius pinto
aloysius pinto
19 Jan 2009 11.44pm

Dear ALL ANAK BANGSA MALAYSIA, After we were illegally and rudely chased from the MBPJ Tarmac areas, the Lotus Restaurant people allowed us to have a more comfortable pot-luck party. We even had seven policemen standing opposite the restaurant providing us “protection”. I am so proud of the behaviour of Civil Society members of the Anti-ISA Candle Light Vigil group. Come what may and we see the numbers growing. The coming Sunday should provide some drama, as a police report has been made against the police for illegally invading a peaceful gathering of very concerned Malaysian citizens, more so when… Read more »

19 Jan 2009 11.28pm

From the news i read from the newspaper and blog my observation is that we don’t practice Double Standard? I think its better describe as tripple standard. When BN/UMNO supporter is having an illegal assembly the police is there to help them to do it. When foreigner having an illegal assembly, police is there to make sure of their safety. When RAKYAT MALAYSIA (not BN/UMNO supporter)having a peaceful assembly for the Country the POLICE is also there but wanting diperse it WITH ALL MIGHT AND ALL FORCE. THE TRUE MEANING OF MALAYSIA BOLEH, eg are set by the BERSIH CEKAP… Read more »

19 Jan 2009 11.22pm

The sorry news that activists Fr.Paulino Miranda & others are to be charged in court in PJ on the 22nd January merely for being present at an abolish ISA candlelight vigil in November, is unexpected & undeserved. I hope that those who mistakenly feel threatened by candle light may have second thoughts, less they come across as puerile & vindictive individuals who are just throwing a tantrum because of PAS’s well deserved victory in KT.

19 Jan 2009 10.26pm

Tell PDRM to go to …. themselves

Johnny Cheah
Johnny Cheah
19 Jan 2009 10.13pm

From the way the police harass/arrest the anti-ISA vigiliers, things looks very obvious. You can be sure the police are instructed to carry out this activity on the anti-Isa vigiliers. They are actually wasting peoples’ time and misusing their man power which can be used for more things which can be beneficial to the rakyat and the nation as a whole. Almost everybody knows that safety in this country is a big issue. The police should be going after the snatch thiefs, the mat rempits who indiscrimately whack innocent people who happened to cross their path. Recently the mat rempits… Read more »

19 Jan 2009 9.48pm

Anil! Spread this around! Let the Rev.Father appear in Court – so be it BUT ask all the Divine Mercy Parishoners to BE PRESENT { no excuses } – your Priest has stood in front of u! All of you bring RM 10/- cash – there are some I believe 3000 parishoners making it RM30,000/- cash.The Rev.Father pleads not guilty to the charge & bail is set and trial dates are set. DARE them to go for trial – believe me they will back down. This applies to all who have been “arrested” & have received phone calls – Pls… Read more »

Speak Up Malaysia
Speak Up Malaysia
19 Jan 2009 6.39pm

So, peaceful Anti-ISA vigilers cannot meet for pot luck makan but it’s OK to use excessive force on innocent civilians in Cheras. Come on, lah. Malaysians are no longer blind to BN’s double standards. Instead of deploying all these policemen to harass peaceful Anti-ISA vigilers, why don’t the police go and do real work like preventing violent machete-wielding gangs and stopping the rising crime rate? What’s the point of condemning Israel for crimes against humanity when you continue to deny Malaysian citizens their basic human rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Federal Constitution of Malaysia?… Read more »

19 Jan 2009 6.31pm

and then all criminals have a field day. oh wait.. child kidnap and ransom etc isnt a criminal case now.. at least acc to a certain OCPD..

bah humbug!

19 Jan 2009 6.25pm

oh dear me, this is disturbing news. our PAIN (penang anti-isa network) had stop the vigil temporary after the arrest, and we were going to have one in dec. but due to the christmas holidays, everbody were busy so we did not. at that time we had been thinking of having the vigil in BM this time, to be back up by BM MP, chong eng. (don’t have to concentrate on the island all the time). now this… i wonder will chong eng support us to have one in BM or will the members still think of having one. why… Read more »