Abolish ISA campaigners make their presence felt


Meet Kris Khaira, a human rights activist from Penang. He and his colleagues from GMI (Gabungan Mansuhkan ISA or Abolish ISA Movement) have been campaigning against the draconian ISA, which permits detention without trial, at some of the ceramah in the ongoing campaign. The GMI is a coalition of over 80 civil society groups.

They have been getting the crowds to participate in postcard campaigns and distributing Abolish ISA badges.

The T-shirt Kris is wearing reads “Camp Kamunting – Luxury Resort” – a sarcastic reference to the notorious detention camp.

The five Pakatan-ruled state governments have thrown their backing behind the GMI’s call for the abolition of the ISA, the release of all ISA detainees and the closure of the Kamunting camp.

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Dr. Hamid Ibrahim
Dr. Hamid Ibrahim
25 Aug 2008 8.40am

ISA The Internal Security Act was enacted in 1960 with a view to controlling Communism. Our First Prime Minister, YANG MULIA Tunku Abdul Rahman told Parliament and the Press that the Act WILL NOT BE USED against Politicians but only to wipe out communism. What has happened is that all along – during the past 48 years the legislation has been fully used AGAINST the Politicians who do not agree with the Policies of the Ruling Clique. The man who drafted the Bill – a white man – has also said that it was not meant for a long period… Read more »

Kris Khaira
25 Aug 2008 1.17am

I bought the t-shirt from Suaram KL. The bottom part says “Luxury Resort”, and if I”m not mistaken, it was designed by Edmund Bon.

By the way I was there as part of Pusat Khidmat Pekerja Tanjung, mainly distributing and selling media about workers rights and socialism. We were also selling the badges.

If anyone is interested in buying or helping us distribute any of those, you can contact me at [email protected].

makkal sakthi
makkal sakthi
24 Aug 2008 7.59pm

good way to campaign about ISA….
where can i get those tshirts..

24 Aug 2008 4.38pm

PR Govt will turn Kamuting into a museum. Kamuting represents the unacceptable face of Malaysia.