2,000 in peaceful Abolish ISA protest in KL


Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday. Lots of candles around – ‘cept they were not on my birthday cake. Some 2,000 Malaysians, many holding up candles to dispel the darkness of our times, gathered last night in KL calling for the release of RPK, the Hindraf Five and other ISA detainees.

That’s an amazing turnout! Full report, pictures and video clips by DeadAlienX here.

(Listen to RPK speak days before his arrest. The BBC interviews him here. If you would like to send an email to your favourite politician(s) calling on him/them to release all ISA detainees, click here for details.)

The event was organised by two different groups: Hindraf and a coalition of NGOs led by the Writers Alliance for Media Independence. As the original venue Dataran Merdeka was cordoned off by police, the vigil turned into a peaceful march to the Kortumalar Pillayar Temple, opposite Puduraya.

The whole event last about an hour. If you were there, do send in your citizen journalist eye-witness impressions.

Eye-witness kksam reports:

I arrived at 7.00pm sharp, but wasn’t surprised that the police had cordoned off Dataran Merdeka. I saw a few guys wearing orange shirts across the road; I just walked up to them and saw Hindraf printed on their shirts, and I knew I wasn’t alone.

Then I walked to the rear of the Royal Selangor Club, and more than 50 people were gathered there. Marina arrived shortly after and we all had our candles lit up and sang a song for RPK’s “Peaceful birthday”, twice.

Eventually, the police had enough of us and forced us to disperse. We then walked away near the roundabout and gathered by the roadside. Got support from the taxis and some of the drivers who passed by. After some time, we also walked to the temple. Great day! More here.

The event was organised by two different groups: Hindraf and a coalition of NGOs led by the Writers Alliance for Media Independence. As the original venue Dataran Merdeka was cordoned off by police, the vigil turned into a peaceful march to the Kortumalar Pillayar Temple, opposite Puduraya.

The whole event last about an hour. If you were there, do send in your citizen journalist eye-witness impressions.

Zorro Unmasked reports that Marina Lee was allowed to visit RPK in Kamunting for 45 minutes yesterday.

Meanwhile, blog reader Angela Ooi reports from Negri Sembilan:

In Seremban, we held our own little do for RPK to mark his birthday and his incarceration in Kamunting. A group of 12 gathered at City Park with a birthday cake, wishing freedom for RPK. We each held two lighted candles and sang the birthday song for him. I took orders for the T-shirts and exchanged contacts.

Later, PKR’s Sabaruddin came with another member and we made plans for another do at a later date. All in all, there was this feeling of oneness, warmth and general good vibes around.

Abolish the ISA! Check out Daniel’s version of the song ‘YMCA’. He has adapted the lyrics to ‘Why ISA?’

Over in Penang, some 200 people attended the second night of the Freedom Film Fest in Wawasan Open University. Tonight’s the last night of the fest, so do go and support the organisers Komas, who have put in a lot of hard work in bringing the event to Penang. Admission is free.

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26 Oct 2008 1.56am

The Free Democratic World & Peace Loving People salute all who march to call for the end of ISA – a cruel draconic piece to detain anyone deemed by those in power ( usually the Crooked & Corrupt ) without trial !
You are all laying the foundation for future generation of Malaysians to live without fear of arrest simply because of difference of opinions & to seek justice for all esp. the weak & downtrotten.
Hidup REFORMASI ! Malaysians deserve a Better Government in
Keadilan-Pas-Dap Pakatan Rakyat !

29 Sep 2008 3.04pm

hey anil…nice one!!!

keep up the good work…

being stuck in the UK…keeping posted with your blogs etc is crucial for us…to keep up to date…

chat soon

(fellow johanian)

28 Sep 2008 11.40pm

Dear Anil,

Was wondering if you could provide me the softcopy format of the abolish ISA leaflets? Me and my friends are planning to print em out and start distributing it around our neighbourhood.Thanks man

Dear Jeremy, Please contact Suaram Penang at 63B-01-07, University Heights, Jalan Sungai Dua, 11700 Penang, MALAYSIA Phone/Fax: +60-4-6582285 E-mail: [email protected]

28 Sep 2008 8.05pm

I was there too. What a nite and i was really happy to see the unity between all . Abolish ISA ! Free RPK & hindraf heroes & all others.

28 Sep 2008 7.11pm

It was great to be part of the democratic process in Malaysia last nite.

Here’s a short report:


28 Sep 2008 5.44pm

Managed to post my own vids & pix…

what a nite!
!!! Mansuhkan ISA !!! Bebaskan RPK !!!

28 Sep 2008 4.59pm

Dear Anil, I have requested from you the contacs of Baradan Kappusamy which I couldn’t get from anyone though I have tried and I didn’t receive an answer or help. I hope you can help with it. My email: [email protected] Thanks.

Happy raya to all.

Dear Abdullah, So sorry, I do not have his contact details. cheers Anil

28 Sep 2008 3.49pm

It is such a pity, a peaceful Conscience Awareness gathering, needed to play a ‘cat and mouse’ game with the authority…simply to display, their displeasure and objection to the use of ISA on innocent citizens. It is about time, this bunch of leaders from the ruling party need to undergo, a morality reform course.
Nothing will suppress human spirit and their will to fight for fair play and justice, the earlier these evil heads realize it, the better for Malaysia.

28 Sep 2008 3.36pm

good job anil…………..go on …….until isa abolish…..dont stop……..we dont need isa any more in malay ….

Mag M
28 Sep 2008 3.33pm

Wow,I wish I could be there. Penang people should come out in such great force too. Come on Penang.

28 Sep 2008 3.17pm

Hi Anil,

It’s so encouraging to see so many people from all walks of life coming together with one purpose – To call for the abolishment of ISA!

Check out my version of YMCA by The Village People. Re-written, now it’s called “Why I.S.A?” – Abolish ISA Song – by The Global Village People. Enjoy!

28 Sep 2008 2.57pm

well i just started my blog, and have posted pictures on yesterday night.

28 Sep 2008 2.08pm

…Say, why don’t you start a boycott of thie Ahmad’s business …Including his cronies/friends outlets who caused trouble in Penang recently.

28 Sep 2008 1.41pm

One Love, One Heart Let’s get together and feel all right Hear the children crying (One Love) Hear the children crying (One Heart) Sayin’ give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right Sayin’ let’s get together and feel all right Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One Love) There is one question I’d really like to ask (One Heart) Is there a place for the hopeless sinner Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own? Believe me One Love, One Heart Let’s get together and feel all right As it was… Read more »

28 Sep 2008 1.21pm

Days and nights The candles vigils in our minds For RPK we wish well Down in Kah Moon Thing The government put him there Tears have no meaning When he isn’t free Fighting for justice For all of us human beings Only when he is free The spills of his words The BN leaders get scared Asking their running… Go and … Days and nights The light will be burning Telling him he isn’t alone Fencing it up in Kah Moon Thing We want him free The liberty of our rights Our representatives forget Got voted into power They use… Read more »

28 Sep 2008 1.09pm

i arrived at 7pm sharp, but not surprised that the police cordoned the Dataran Merdeka. saw a few guy wearing orange shirt across the road, i just walk to them and saw Hindraf printed on their shirt, and i know i’m not alone. but then i walk to behind Royal Selangor Club, and then more than 50 people gather there. Marina arrived shortly and we all had our candles light up and sang a song for RPK “Peaceful birthday”, twice. Then the police had enough of us and forced us to disperse, which then we walk away near the roundabout… Read more »

Angela Ooi
Angela Ooi
28 Sep 2008 12.43pm

In Seremban, we held our own little do for RPK to mark his bday and his incarceration in Kamunting. A group of 12 gathered at City park, with a bday cake wishing freedom for RPK. We each held 2 lighted candles and sang the bday song for him. I took orders for the Tshirts and exchange contacts.
Later PKR Sabaruddin came with another member and we made plans for another do at a later date. All in all, there was this feeling of oneness, warmth and general good vibes around.