MIB (Malaysians in black): They later scrawled the word “Perak” below the “Bubar Dun!!” just in case anyone had any doubts about what they were referring to. Photo courtesy of Lucia Lai. More pictures and report on her blog here.
2219: The atmosphere is pleasant and and the group of black-shirted patrons are chatting and enjoying their drinks and the camaraderie, reports a contact at the scene. Every now and then, they simultaneously raise A4 sheets of paper on which is printed “Bubar Dun Perak!”
The manager looks a little nervous while the other patrons seem a bit taken aback, but otherwise, all is peaceful. The wireless Internet service is still down.
The plainclothes police, to their credit, continue to remain at a polite distance away.
2201: Apparently, the wireless internet service at the kopi tiam has disappeared mysteriously; so that’s thrown a spanner into Dalbinder’s live coverage!
2147: They are carrying sheets of paper calling for the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly. Dalbinder has now turned up and is providing live coverage. Over to him here.
2130: More than two dozen people in black attire have now converged at a kopi tiam in Bayan Baru much to the surprise of the owners and other patrons.
They are sipping drinks outside while, at a courteous distance away, a few people who appear to be plainclothes police are keeping an eye.
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A police state in the making. See how the cops choose to spend our money – harassing legitimate political gatherings http://votecharles.wordpress.com/2009/06/22/900-cops-attend-dap-dinner-in-klang/
🙂 WOOOOHHOOOOOO!! Waaahhhhhaaay to go to all you cool 8) MIB coffee-drinking kopi-tiamers! Have looked very hard you see, but just 🙁 cannot see any delectable foodies there anywhere so have this one teensy weensy bit of a nigglingly troubling question to ask you all MIB kopi-tiamers: why were there not any 🙂 tasty Penangite cakes served with the warm cuppas of hot coffee-tiams? WE SAY YEAH! & NO TO ISA! 😛 AND HARIS FOR AG & RPK FOR IGP! GO FOR DSAI FOR PM & LKS FOR DPM & KIND WAN AZIZAH FOR HOME MINISTER. 2009 Resolution: Seek out… Read more »
yep! tell it to them, siew eng.
so many of us were there… we gave them more business actually. and as i blog, the other patrons were not scared off at all. in fact most were amused and some even show some sign of support.
the govt. is so paranoid over public demo and protest although it is very peaceful, so what better way for us to show our protest than gathering together for a cuppa.
ahmad shah and abc, “What will causing discomfort to other patrons,…” How was discomfort caused to other patrons? No one was harassing anyone physically (unlike how unauthorised personnel in the DUN dragged the Speaker off the hall) nor verbally. What is so discomfiting about the sight of a bunch of people wanting to show solidarity and disagreement with the state of Perak – in a peaceful manner that brings business to the shop (more than the other patrons, mind you. And certainly more than what the police did last night in PJ in cordoning off the wrong roads to prevent… Read more »
we are in the middle of a recession and you people still have time to gather, create discomfort, scare away other customers instead of working hard to ensure that you get through these hard times.
you guys are living a very comfortable life, that’s one thing for sure.
poor oldtown, im pretty sure they suffered losing customers & rezeki while you nonchalantly use their business premise for your political interest.
Every minute you use harping on political issues is a minute for nation building wasted.
dah dah la tu, jgn perbesarkan pergaduhan, jgn jadi munafik
What will causing discomfort to other patrons, showing disrecpect to public order and stretching the short handed police do any good for society ?
What tangible good has this done? What has it done for the economy to help our poor?
What outcome have you achieved besides cheap publicity akin to jumping off the northpole with a proton saga.. both are nice to see but are as useful as selling a refridgerator to an eskimo..
Ok let’s ALLLL gather again at Kampung Buah Pala tonight at 8pm for the vigil.
hey i was there! took lots of photos and had some up in my blog anil, next thursday, you should join us. in fact there were 2 people asking me whether you were coming.
according to shu shi of suaram, it’s not necessary to gather at old town bayan baru but the people were asked to gather at any old town outlet near where they stay/works.
Excellent! It gladdens the heart to see the spirit of freedom and justice is getting stronger in Najib’s 1PoliceState!