15 candidates vie for MPPP, 9 for MPSP


A total of 24 candidates will contest in elections to determine civil society nominees to serve as MPPP or MPSP councillors for 2011. The elections this Sunday will see 15 candidates contesting for five MPSP positions and nine for five MPPP positions.

Have you registered as a voter already? Deadline is 5.00pm today! The following is a statement released by Penang Forum:

Penang Forum 3 (PG3) akan berlangsung di Penang Chinese Girls School Alumni Hall (di hadapan St Nicholas), Jalan Bagan Jermal pada hari Ahad, 14 November. Acara ini membuka peluang kepada penduduk-penduduk Pulau Pinang untuk mendengar, membuat pertanyaan, dan mengundi bakal ahli-ahli majlis mereka.

PG3 telah melantik En. P Ramakrishnan, Presiden Aliran, dan Cik Agatha Foo, seorang peguam yang aktif dalam Pusat Bantuan Guaman dibawah Jawatankuasa Badan Peguam, sebagai “Pesuruhjaya Pilihanraya” untuk menyelia dan memastikan pilihanraya ini dijalankan secara ‘bebas, adil, dan jujur.’

Dua puluh empat penduduk Pulau Pinang telah memohon untuk bertanding dalam pilihanraya yang disediakan oleh PG3. Pilihanraya ini dilakukan untuk memilih wakil-wakil daripada organisasi-organisasi masyarakat sivil sebagai bakal calon-calon kepada MPPP dan MPSP. Pada waktu penutupan pemohonan iaitu 10 November petang, lima belas orang telah membuat pemohonan untuk bertanding sebagai calon di MPPP dan sembilan di MPSP.

Antara mereka yang bertanding adalah penduduk-penduduk Pulau Pinang yang aktif dalam organisasi masyarakat sivil seperti Aliran, Women’s Centre for Change, WABA, Persatuan Orang Cacat Anggota Malaysia (POCAM), Jaycees, persatuan-persatuan penghuni, persatuan-persatuan penjaja, Persatuan Bekas Polis, dan lain-lain.

Setiap calon yang bertanding akan diberi peluang untuk memberi ucapan kepada orang ramai selama beberapa minut. Namun demikian, mereka tidak dibenarkan untuk meletak poster-poster, mengedar risalah, dan merayu undi di dalam Dewan. Bagi calon-calon yang membuat sedemikian, ataupun penyokong-penyokong mereka yang melakukan sedemikian, akan dilucut kelayakan untuk bertanding.

Semua Dijemput Untuk Mendaftar

Semua penduduk Pulau Pinang dijemput berpartisipasi dalam pilihanraya PG3. Setiap pengundi akan diberi dua undi, satu untuk MPPP dan satu untuk MPSP. Setiap pengundi boleh memilih tidak lebih daripada lima calon untuk setiap kawasan (jumlah: sepuluh). Seandainya pengundi mengundi lebih daripada lima calon dalam setiap kawasan, undi tersebut akan ditentukan sebagai undi ‘rosak’ dan tidak sah.

Semua pengundi perlu berdaftar. Yuran pendaftaran adalah RM10 (pelajar/mahasiswa/wi adalah RM5)

Pendaftaran awal di Pejabat Aliran (04 6585251) akan tutup pada 12 November. Mereka yang mendaftar awal akan diberi makanan ringan dan makan tengahari vegetarian.

Pendaftaran (untuk RM10) akan dibuka semula pada 14 November bermula daripada jam 8.30 pagi hingga 10.00 pagi. Bagi mereka yang berdaftar pada pagi tersebut dibenarkan untuk membuang undi tetapi tidak akan dibekal makanan.

Peserta-peserta digalakkan untuk meletak kereta mereka di padang Penang Indian Association (PIA) yang telah kami memperolehi kebenaran daripada PIA.

Satu persidangan akhbar akan diadakan lebih kurang pada 3 petang untuk mengumumkan nama-nama calon yang menang. Y.B Chow Kon Yeow, Exco Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang untuk Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pengurusan Lalulintas dijangka akan menghadiri acara ini.

Pengisytiharan Peserta yang Bertanding

Semua peserta yang bertanding telah mengisytiharkan bahawa mereka telah membaca, memahami, dan menyokong prinsip-prinsip Deklarasi Penang Forum, yang telah diamalkan pada April 2008. Justeru itu, mereka dijangka akan memperjuang hak-hak kumpulan terpencil (termasuk wanita, pekerja, masyarakat luar bandar, belia, warga tua, kumpulan kurang upaya, mereka yang tiada tempat berteduh atau ‘homeless’, dan penghijrah dan pelarian atau ‘migrants and refugees’); melindungi alam sekitar Pulau Pinang dan memelihara warisannya; menekan satu perancangan yang seimbang, bersepadu, dan berkekalan; mengemuka dan bertanggungjawab kepada aduan perkhidmatan perbandaran; dan memenuhi kepentingan masyarakat Pulau Pinang secara menyeluruh, bukan setakat kepada kepentingan kumpulan yang khusus yang mewakili individu tertentu sahaja.

Dibawah Seksyen 10 (2) Akta Kerajaan Tempatan 1976 menyatakan bahawa “ahli-ahli majlis ….mesti berasal dari kawasan tempatan dan mesti mempunyai pengalaman yang luas dalam hal ehwal kerajaan tempatan atau mereka yang telah mencapai kecemerlangan dalam mana-mana bidang ikhtisas, perdagangan atau industri atau sebaliknya mempunyai keupayaan mewakilan kepentingan masyarakat tempatan.”

Mereka yang bertanding juga telah mengisytiharkan bahawa mereka tidak memegang mana-mana jawatan dalam mana-mana parti politik atau persatuan perdagangan; tidak dijatuh hukuman atau mempunyai kes jenayah atau muflis; dan bukan ahli daripada mana-mana organisasi yang menghasut supremasi etnik atau kebencian terhadap etnik lain.

Penduduk-penduduak Pulau Pinang dialu-alukan untuk melayani laman web Penang Forum: http://www.penangforum.net untuk meneliti latar belakang calon-calon dan membangkit sebarang bantahan sekiranya ada kepada Penang Forum.

Penang Forum adalah satu gabungan yang mempunyai lebih daripada 40 organisasi masyarakat sivil di Pula Pinang yang telah membuat satu perjumpaan pertama pada April 2008. Jawatankuasa Penang Forum terdiri daripada wakil-wakil seperti: Aliran, Malayan Nature Society, Penang Heritage Trust, Persatuan Orang Cacat Anggota Malaysia, Suaram Penang, the Tg Bungah Residents Association, Women’s Centre for Change, dan lain-lain.

Sebarang maklumat lanjut mengenai Penang Forum dan PG3 boleh diperolehi daripada laman web yang sama.

Dikeluar oleh:

Loh Kok Wah, Ong Jing Cheng dan Soon Chuan Yean sebagai wakil kepada Penganjur Jawatankuasa PG3.

11 Nov 2010

Penang Forum 3 Elections: Twenty- Four to Contest for Nomination to MPPP and MPSP

Penang Forum 3 (PG3) will be held at the Penang Chinese Girls School Alumni Hall (directly opposite St Nicholas), along Jalan Bagan Jermal on Sunday, 14 November. This event will be an opportunity for Penangites to listen, to question, and to vote for would-be councilors.

PG3 has appointed Mr P Ramakrishnan, president of Aliran, and Ms Agatha Foo, a senior lawyer active in the Bar Committee’s Legal Aid Centre, as ‘Election Commissioners’ to oversee that the elections are ‘free, fair and transparent’..

Twenty-four Penangites have applied to contest the PG3-sponsored elections to select representatives of civil society organizations who will be nominated to the MPPP and MPSP. When applications closed on 10 November evening, fifteen had applied for MPPP nomination, nine for MPSP nomination.

Among those contesting are Penangites who have been active in civil society organizations like Aliran, Women’s Centre for Change, WABA, Persatuan Orang Cacat Anggota Malaysia (POCAM), Jaycees, various residents associations, hawker associations, the Persatuan Bekas Polis, etc.

All contestants will be given the opportunity to address the floor for a few minutes each. However, they are not allowed to put up posters, distribute pamphlets or canvass for votes inside the Hall. Those candidates caught doing, or their supporters caught doing so, will be disqualified from contesting.

All Invited to Register

All Penangites are invited to participate in the PG3 elections. Each voter will be given two ballots, one each for MPPP and MPSP. Each voter may elect up to five candidates for each local authority (total: ten). If s/he votes for more than five candidates in any local authority, the said vote will be determined as ‘spoilt’ and discounted.

All voters must be registered. Registration fee costs RM10 (students RM5).

Pre-registration with Aliran Office (04 6585251) closes on 12 November. Pre-registered participants will be provided with refreshments and a vegetarian lunch.

Registration (at RM10) will re-open on 14 November from 8.30 to 10.00am. Those registered on that morning will also be allowed to vote but will not be provided with lunch.

Participants are encouraged to park in the Penang Indian Association (PIA) field, for which permission from the PIA has been obtained.

A press conference to announce the winners will be conducted about 3pm. Y.B Chow Kon Yeow, the Penang State Government Exco Member for Local Government and Transportation is expected to be present.

Contestants Declaration

All contestants have declared that they have read, understand and support the principles contained in the Penang Forum Declaration, first adopted in April 2008. Hence they are expected to promote the rights of marginalized groups (including women, workers, rural communities, youth, senior citizens, the disabled, homeless, as well as migrants and refugees); to protect Penang’s environment and preserve its heritage; to stress balanced, integrated and sustainable planning; to address and respond to urban services complaints; and to cater to the general interests of the entire Penang society, not those interests of specific interest groups to which they might individually be affiliated.

Under the Local Government Act 1976, Section 10(2) “Councillors of the local authority…shall be persons ordinarily resident in the local authority area who in the opinion of the State Authority have wide experience in local government affairs or who have achieved distinction in any profession, commerce or industry, or are otherwise capable of representing the interests of their communities in the local authority area’.

The contestant have also declared that they do not hold office in any political party or in any chamber of commerce; have not been convicted as a criminal or declared a bankrupt; and that they do not belong to any association that agitates for racial supremacy or racial hatred.

Penangites are invited to visit the Penang Forum website: http://www.penangforum.net to scrutinise the backgrounds of these candidates and to raise objections if any, with Penang Forum.

Penang Forum is a coalition of more than 40 Penang-based civil society organizations who first came together in April 2008. The steering committee comprises representatives from: Aliran, Malaysian Nature Society, Penang Heritage Trust, Persatuan Orang Cacat Anggota Malaysia, Suaram Penang, the Tg Bungah Residents Association, Women’s Centre for Change, etc.

Additional information about Penang Forum and PG3 can be obtained from the same website.

Released by:

Loh Kok Wah, Ong Jing Cheng and Soon Chuan Yean on behalf of the PG3 Organizing Committee.

11 Nov 2010

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13 Nov 2010 5.15pm

I hope he fell sick naturally and was not somehow sabotaged so he couldn’t run. As for how idiot he is or not, let the voters decide.

Who knows @romerz running him down was a gimmick to popularise/garner sympathy for him somehow for a future running? Among the older tricks in the book but don’t imagine if anyone is fooled . . .

14 Nov 2010 12.59am

I think it wouldn’t be a *representative* democracy if there weren’t a few idiots in positions of power. Furthermore, I believe equal opportunity at the candidate stage is vital: there should be no prejudice (besides legal issues, and though I might be tempted to wish that ‘criminally stupid’ was something I could report a person to the police for, it’s probably in all our best interests that it isn’t) preventing a person who believes they can do a good job in an elected position from putting themselves forward. Given the current state of Malaysian politics and the appalling lack of… Read more »

13 Nov 2010 1.12am

Don’t know any of the candidates bar one but Dalbinder Singh Gill must not be elected – period! Otherwise Penang civil society will become a laughing stock for endorsing a 20 year old part-time student! This young man is an attention seeking young man with lofty ambitions but unfortunately he has a hide as thick as a rhinoceros and a brain as small as a dinosaur! I know because I tried for over two years to rehabilitate him when he seemed lost and flip-flopping. I failed because it is very difficult to speak to someone who only listen to themselves!… Read more »

14 Nov 2010 10.34am
Reply to  romerz

Hey guys, This conversation is not OK. If anyone has their hesitations over another person, then exercise your right to vote and lobby against that person if you must, but preferably in a more constructive manner and without sounding like a personal attack. Perhaps all of you here went from being a primary school child, to teenager, and then very quickly jumped to very wise and matured adult. However, for me, I find my thoughts, perspectives and insights grow gradually and I will never be wise. We can shun people whom we think are “young… attention seeking young man with… Read more »

14 Nov 2010 4.12pm
Reply to  romerz

this young rambling fool (me)’s brain has just caught up. romerz is planning to run for a proper state seat?! or maybe not either…

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
12 Nov 2010 7.12pm

Anil, got candidates pictures ???

Let me check their face reading

12 Nov 2010 5.00pm

This ‘cut off’ date issue should be made into a constantly shifting and weighed approval rating system with no cut off dates. As new voters enter, or as issues arise in councillor failures to act responsibly to citizens in amendments of by laws or in the manner by-laws are applied, the voters shoul dbe able to register and affect t who continues sitting as councillor. A less than 50% approval rating requires a new election to be called, with the next most popular candidate immediately replacing that councillor and an election being called as well. A less than 30% approval… Read more »