11 arrested at vigil, including 2 DAP reps


Eleven people mourning the demise of democracy in Perak were arrested during a vigil in front of Seputeh MP Teresa Kok’s office tonight.

Those arrested included Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching and Teratai state assembly member Jenice Lee, both from the DAP.

Really, the actions of the police are not helping the BN cause and will result in further erosion in support for the ruling coalition. At this rate, Pakatan won’t have to campaign much in future polls.

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anna brella
anna brella
23 May 2009 1.11am


Assuming the PRDM arrest, say 10,000 peaceful defiant Malaysians everyday from now on in every state, how long do you think it would be before the present UMNO/BN Government finally came to its senses and took the right course to repeal the nonsensical excrement that it has created for the citizenry (in bad faith), and for itself too, by enacting/keeping such obvious non-lawful shite as is now contained within S27 of the Police Act, the itself highly seditious Sedition Act and the very undemocratic, unconstitutional and unlawful Internal Security (self-serving/preservation) Act?

“Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

20 May 2009 6.35pm

i guess the pr must adopt new approach like the man in perak holding the state flag n stand alone at prominent location. perhaps do it at many locations simultaneously but this time hold our national flag instead.

ya, or if police catch vigilers, then all just walk up the waiting truck and repeat this with different group day in day out. like the chinese saying, if you can’t get it the hard way, do the soft way!

its a matter of who out-last or out-do the other.

20 May 2009 12.42pm

The reputation and prestige of the police is important in fighting crime. If the public refuses to co-operate with the police, their crime fighting ability will be severely curtailed. This fact is acknowledged by police forces all over the world.

Apparently our police do not bother to protect and enhance their standing among the public. They (appear to be) busy protecting their Umno masters and this is more important than fighting crime.

20 May 2009 11.40am

If the present PeeM of Malaysia can be implicated in alleged Murder and Corruption and get away with these, then that is how good the Present UMNO controlled BN Government could be in terms of oppressing of the Rakyats, by allegedly using the Police Force as their tools of Oppressions of the Corrupted Government, in all walks of Malaysian lives. The only solution is to throw them, the corrupted UMNO Government, all out in the next by-elections and the next GE13 and find a replacement Government in Pakatan Rakyat. The cowardice UMNO has now chickened out by not daring to… Read more »

20 May 2009 10.45am

Is that Mr Loudspeaker from Brickfields again? Sounds like him, looks like him ….

20 May 2009 10.39am

They are doing Mahathir style.

It is no more working today.

Wake up!!!

20 May 2009 10.28am

It is much much easier to catch innocent people than Mat Rempits,
snatch thieves,robbers,”break-in-kers”,child molesters,rapers etc.
At least by the end of the day,they have alot works to do,busy fileling.?

20 May 2009 9.53am

Coward…Real coward.
3000 supporters at Batu Caves, they dare not arrest.
11 harmless supportersat a condo area (a private area), they arrest.
They need 20 odd personels to arrest 11 supporters, I quess they have not enough personels to arrest 3000 supporters. Right?

20 May 2009 9.26am

AS expected laa !!!

20 May 2009 6.56am

The police have no …. to fight armed crimes but safer to arrest unarmed peaceful demonstration. You can always ask anyone who has the experience of armed robberies. When you make a police report, the first question the police will ask you, “Are the robbers armed and are they still there?” If they are armed, the police (may) take longer time to arrive at the scene of the crime.
For a peaceful demonstration armed with candlelights like this, they are the first to arrive at the scene to make arrest.

20 May 2009 3.28am

you tangkap more pretty ahmoi, you get more people burning candles.

so lets get more pretty ahmoi to join.

Edwin SJ Ng   PJK
Edwin SJ Ng PJK
20 May 2009 3.16am

11 is too small a number to hold a candle light vigil. Next time the DAP must make sure at least 2000 or more turn up with candles.

Then the police will have a handful. Go for the numbers. Then volunteer to be addressed. Let this OCPD really feel the heat.

He will plead for transfer to KKB or Alor Gajah.

20 May 2009 1.20am

Dr.Mahatir was right,during Abdullah’s premiership he did mentioned that malaysia had turn into a Police State. Nothing had changed since then. How right he was then, but now, he just keeps quite.He even call najib a coward in his blog and now he is buddy buddy with him. What a hyprocrite. The video shown above had attracted crowds that numbered more that the vigilers. Why don’t the Polis Raja Malaysia arrest them as well for illegal gathering. What if the vigilers instead of sitting down and walk into the crowds. Will the Police arrest all of them. We all know… Read more »

Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Samuel Goh Kim Eng
20 May 2009 12.59am


Those who like darkness can’t even stand candle light
For fear they’ll be shown to all what they are really like
Yet we all need God’s light to live life that’s truly bright
With His light and love we pray will drive away all fright

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 200509
Wed. 20th May 2009.

Anak Kuching
Anak Kuching
20 May 2009 12.26am

It would be interesting to see the next time when the police wants the crowd to disperse and before arresting, all the protestors should just walk into the waiting police truck to be transported away to the station. I remember many years ago in a foreign country, protestors shouted ‘Job or Jail’ and were all happy to just to be arrested and have their statement taken and released on police bail. Imagine this being done over and over, day after day…. It’s a pity that while our streets are unsafe and criminals enjoy the ‘freedom’ to work away, our police… Read more »

20 May 2009 12.17am

The MP for Serdang is a lawyer.

19 May 2009 11.53pm

Barely 2 months since the new PM promised of a better Malaysia… how to believe him?

19 May 2009 11.47pm

Dumb gomen….don’t they know that the best way to enhance a cause and to make it even more attractive to those who are not afraid of speaking out is to persecute it???

19 May 2009 11.46pm

Candlelight vigil should go solo….at many locations

19 May 2009 11.40pm

Woit! The Head Hunters strikes again. “Kumpulan Tangkapan. Jalankan tangkapan”. Tangkaaaaaaaaaap!

Leong Yook Kong
Leong Yook Kong
19 May 2009 11.33pm

The Head Hunters are at work again. Any lawyer arrested by the Head Hunters? I bet, NO, this time. The Head Hunters will be very cautious. Before the Head Hunters arrests, he will ask “Are you a lawyer”.