Save Malaysia Stop Lynas spokesperson Tan Bun Teet goes toe-to-toe with Lynas executive chairman Nic Curtis in this debate aired over Aljazeera.
Personally, I found Nic Curtis’ arguments about why they chose Malaysia and not Australia quite laughable. The 12-year tax break must have figured quite prominently.
By the way, does anyone know who the original owners of the 250 acres of reclaimed swamp land on which Lynas built the refinery were? Was it state land or private land? How was it acquired and at what price?
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* 85% OF LYNAS “WASTE” IS OF MALAYSIAN ORIGIN. ANTI-LYNAS FOLKS STILL INSIST THAT THE SO-CALLED LYNAS WASTE BE SENT BACK TO AUSTRALIA. ANNUAL PRODUCTION OF REE AND “WASTE” (according to OEKO): Annual import of Ore Concentrate = 65,000 tonnes Annual production of REE = 22,500 tonnes Therefore actual ‘Waste” of Australian origin = 65,000 – 22,500 = 42,500 tonnes per year TOTAL “WASTE” from Lynas Plant = 290,400 tonnes/yr consisting of 1. WLP = 64,000 tonnes/yr 2. FGD = 55,800 tonnes/yr 3. NUF = 170,600 tonnes/yr THEREFORE AUSTRALIA CONTRIBUTES TO ONLY 14.5 % (42,000 divided by 290,400×100 %) of… Read more »
* QUOTE Anti-Lynas (a professional architect) 16.05.13 : “Why ship the ore all the way to Malaysia instead of just refining it in Australia ?” Unquote. Comment: TRANSPORT COST LESS THAN 1% OF BASKET SELLING PRICE The cost of shipping the ore to Malaysia constitute only a fraction of the total cost of production (COP). For instance the “basket selling price” of REE in Lynas is about $30/kg or $30,000 per tonne or $660 million for the 22,000 tonnes REE annual output. Since each 2TEU or 40ft container can carry about 30 tonnes, the 64,000 tonnes of ore concentrate per… Read more »
And what about the cost of the damage to the environment in Kuantan?
the fact that the government says and does nothing to stop the mob harassment of lynas -a perfectly licensed commercial enterprise,is a turnoff for foreign investment of any type.mob rule is a no no!
Toxic industries are a no-no.
hysterical lying pervades the lynas opposition.there is virtually no external radiation.believe there is secret agenda and payoff behind the opposition.lynas should not enter into useless debates with crazies as they are immune to facts.the indonesian government must stop this unlawful interference with legal trade.
Immune to facts? Please substantiate your allegation about payoffs.
Lower costs and better incentives to do work in Malaysia then in Australia. Global Economy. Did you hear the End of the world is comming Dec. 21 2012.
Ah yes, the 12-year tax free bonanza for messing up our environment.
Malaysians will pay the price for the greed of a few… Also it defies logic that a 12 year tax break is given to a company that produces highly toxic waste. Humans don’t learn. After the Perak fiasco, do we still want a sequel? Is this plant so important for Malaysia? And after this, nuclear power plants? and it has to be 2 of them, of course…
If Lynas is following the rules and guide lines set by the governing body then why is there a problem. I feel that the rare earth companies in China are probably paying people off in malaysia to cause headaches for lynas. They “China” do not want to see competition.
Give lynas a chance but keep a watchfull eye out for problems.
China has taken alot of jobs from our country “USA” Please do not let it happen to you.
Thanks for letting me comment and God bless.
Do you have any evidence that companies in China are paying people off in Malaysia to oppose Lynas? Please do not make unsubstantiated allegations.
Do you have evidence that there not. Lynas has science on there side and they are following all the guide lines set by the Malaysian Gov. SMSL has a few people screaming the sky is falling and as they say if you tell a lie long enough yourself and everybody else will start to believe it. Hey, by the way did you hear the end of the world is comming Dec. 21 2012.
Oh, you mean the science that prevents them from building the refinery in Australia?
Any shareholder of LYC need to be aware of the highest sovereign risk attached to this company. For whatever right or wrong reason, if Pakatan gains Putrajaya, LYC can kiss its processing plant Hasta La Vista Babe! MB of Pahang is known for shooting off his mouth, having to retract his recent cutting of ears and jumping into river comments. So it does appear that AntiLynas concerns are very much in all Malaysians’ minds despite whatever assurances given by him and his government. Everybody loves a great investment but Aussies also put a high value on their own health. There… Read more »
A very well done debate. Good points made, and perhaps some understanding between the two sides.
Lynas has already offered to return the waste to Australia or to convert it into road surface products where there would be the chance to recycle the wastes. Remember, the total output of the plant is only 22,000 tons per annum with approximately 35-40,000 tons of waste. This can be dealt with safely and easily.
Matteo X. To YOU only, that 35-40,000 tons of toxic waste is just “chicken feed”. If it can be dealt with easily and safely, then why not Lynas set up the plant back in Australia ? If cost is the factor, then why not set up in other lower cost countries such as Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand etc. To you, Malaysian lives are “chicken feed” and the M’sian govt much easier for Lynas to “convince”, compared to other govts. That’s why the plant is now in M’sia. Unfortunately for Lynas, the M’sian public is not easy for Lynas to “spin”.… Read more »
The main issues are:
1. The huge amounts of wastes (radioactive wastes, as well as non-radioactive, but still toxic wastes) that will be generated
2. No long term waste management plan exists (a major recommendation of the IAEA)
3. No Permanent Disposal Facility (PDF) has been built (another major recommendation of the IAEA)
Keanwong’s answers are very wordy, but not worthy to listen to, because his flowery English makes me bored.
Where are those waste & byproduct going to stored ? Temporary / permanent. Is it going to store at Papan, Perak, the one which is storing Thorium hydroxide.
2 reasons for concern : 1) Why built one, when already have one existing. Save cost. 2) Raw material can be shipped thousand of km & the dump is just only a few hundreds km more.
Residence of Kinta valley, watch out !!!