Charlie Hebdo terror mysteries


Why would a judicial police commissioner allegedly commit suicide while wrapping up a report on investigations into one of the biggest criminal acts in France in recent times?

Helric Fredou, a 45-year-old French police commissioner, reportedly shot and killed himself in his office at 1.00am, while he was wrapping up a police report after meeting with the family of one of the Paris murder victims.

Meanwhile, the classmates of Hamyd Mourad, 18, the suspected driver of the Charlie Hepdo murderers, have come out to protest that he is innocent. They say he was in class at the time! Hamyd Mourad himself went to see the police after he saw his name mentioned on the news (presumably to seek protection?). He is no longer regarded as a suspect. So who was the real driver then?

Journalists worth their salt should take a closer look at these two angles and the circumstances surrounding them. Both of these developments have been given scant coverage in the mainstream media.

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roger woo
roger woo
29 Jan 2015 12.03pm

Books at Zunar’s office are confiscated again by the authority so fearful of cartoons.

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
26 Jan 2015 10.40am

Charlie Hebdo, PEGIDA, and Islam in Europe:

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
21 Jan 2015 10.41am

Mohammed Shafiq, from the Ramadhan Foundation and Martin George Edmund Rowson, a British editorial cartoonist and novelist discuss the shootings in Paris and the killing of Charlie Hebdo journalists on BBC: