Singapore tries to make cycling a way of ife


The small island republic plans to create 700km of cycling paths by 2030. Are we going to be left behind again as we continue our love affair with the car while pouring billions of ringgit into road and related infrastructure?

Thanks to blog visitor Don Anamalai for the video link.

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semuanya OK kot
semuanya OK kot
25 Oct 2013 3.09pm

The mighty warlords behind cars, highways, petroleum, car maintenance and insurance won’t like it one bit. We are talking of really big money. Perhaps we can expect them to organise some spectacular incidents to discurage cyclists.

There is no earthly reason for electric bikes – even inefficient ones – not to take off. Though the local standard has been published, a report a year ago showed that an importer was still waiting for a model to be “approved.”

23 Oct 2013 8.17pm

Just to add few more point : – The air pollution is getting worst by day. Not by just Sumatara burning, but also local burning , car and bus gas emission of NO2, SO2 and other dangerous unseen, unmonitored PM2.5 particulate. More car mean less habitable city due to the polluted air. You normal home dust filter cannot filter out polluted gas such as NO2, SO2,etc. So the more you drive , the more pollution you make. – Using folding bicycle ride to mass transit, allow you “hop traveling” distant without using a car. – If the urban planning is… Read more »

23 Oct 2013 8.08pm

Bicycle is way cheaper and technology is better than 30 years ago quality. One of the world class cycling part manufacturer Shimano, has a factory in Malaysia. So the low to mid high part is much cheaper. The only sad news is, Malaysia no longer manufacturer bicycle, which high end welding works can never acquire via kapcai motorbike factory. Take note of some advancement of bicycle that is big different than the “old sweaty day”: – Better gear system and cheaper than 30 years ago. – Cheaper low end bicycle – Part are much durable for mid end bicycle (anything… Read more »

23 Oct 2013 4.22pm

All the ‘Bing Chui Seekers’ make car ownership a must, and every household has more than 1 car as evident in large number of cars parked outside condominium that allocate only one car park per household. Out National Automobile Policy promotes car ownership in order to protect the survival of Proton, thus public bus has the stigma that is associated with the mode of transport of pendatang asing. There are so many car-related business in every town/city of Malaysia: workshops providing services like car accessories, tinted glass, audio system, beyond the typical tyre and oil maintenance – it is already… Read more »

22 Oct 2013 1.21pm

Singapore’s Youtube blogger Mr Brown safe cycling tips for Singapore Cyclists:

Please Don’t Squeeze!

Riding too close to the left

Taking the Lane


I think applicable for Penang cyclists on Penang road.

najib manaukau
22 Oct 2013 1.16pm

How can anyone compare a first world country with that of a third world, period ? And the situation will remain the same as long as Umno is in control of the Malaysia. The present regime can only talk and only hope to elevate Malaysia to become a first world just like everything else they can only talk and hope. Haven’t you heard that empty ballon make the most noise ? What has Umno done for Malaysia since independent ? no doubt the Umno warlords have all become filthy rich and powerful, just like the egregious Mahathir’s family have transformed… Read more »

22 Oct 2013 9.19pm
Reply to  najib manaukau

Malaysia can rot if it wants to but why must Penang follow suit? Aren’t we suppose to have a CAT govt who seeks to improve the quality of lives of penangites through good governance, careful planning and management of funds? Setting up bicycle lanes is within the control of the state govt so I hope it does not try to deflect this issue. 1. In the whole of George Town, all roads are under the control of the state or its local council and even in roads which are under the jurisdiction of JKR, the state has power to acquire… Read more »