Cops meet RPK at Bangkok hotel


RPK, who is in Bangkok today with Haris Ibrahim, has been asked to go to the Malaysian embassy in Bangkok to give a statement tonight.

An alert was issued on the Malaysia Today website. He is apparently not under arrest so far. Free Malaysia Today reports that RPK has declined the request to give a statement at the embassy and instead met police at his hotel.

RPK was in Bangkok to meet Malaysians there and to start the Thailand Chapter of the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM). Haris and he were scheduled to give a one-hour talk followed by a one hour Q&A.

On Friday, police reportedly summoned blogger Din Merican to Bukit Aman and interrogated him for three hours. They wanted to know about his relationship with Raja Petra and about RPK’s recent TV3 interview, The Star website reported.

Does this mean RPK and Din won’t be attending the Asean ‘responsible blogging’ conference tomorrow?

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UMNO = Truth ?
UMNO = Truth ?
25 Apr 2011 8.28am

It’s part of the whole plot. They will get PRK home. But they will continue to make RPK a hero. RPK wants to come home … but is afraid of being called a traitor, so they have to go through all these elaborate steps. They will go to Bangkok, meet the cops, go to the Malaysian embassy and step by step, RPK will be “arrested” and “sent home” “unwillingly” and will be greeted by his “supporters” in some “candle light protests”, with the police standing at the side, never intervening. You see, it’s all the plot to make RPK a… Read more »

Ong Eu Soon
24 Apr 2011 8.47pm

A responsible blogger! What a transformation!

Serpico Frank
Serpico Frank
24 Apr 2011 12.39pm

I deem to quite agree with comments of Andy as all ‘pointers’ seems to pointed that direction.Welcome home rpk, ‘home sweet home’ nothing like home. ENGLAND no good lah everyday eating ham and sausages lah. Hope seeing you around in Sg buloh. Regards to your family and KEEP SMILING ALWAYS as from NOW.

Andy CK Lim
Andy CK Lim
24 Apr 2011 12.24pm

Aiya….this is all in the The police will pick him up or later after his statement to allow him to come home. Attend a … court case and (maybe) aquitted and discharged. No evidence against those who were alleged against committing any killing. Everybody happy. RPK … happily ever after. Blind followers will swear that RPK is a REAL HERO for the people. Hey…but I remember RPK did say he ‘would NEVER RETURN TO M’SIA’ as long as there is NO CHANGE in Govt. HOW?? What happened to this pledge? Well….he will say that you people don’t understand his… Read more »

24 Apr 2011 8.00am

mindful and responsible blogging conference eh?… haha…

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
24 Apr 2011 7.43am

RPK now is blue sea friendly.

23 Apr 2011 11.19pm

Aiyoyo hope the Malaysian Embassy in Bangkok is not more than 3 storey high, and any windows arhh?

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
24 Apr 2011 8.43am
Reply to  Jong

Gila !!!

You can’t differentiate between friend and enemy !!!

Andrew I
24 Apr 2011 9.31pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

If I had you as a friend, I wouldn’t need any enemies.

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
25 Apr 2011 6.17pm
Reply to  Andrew I

Cyber friend is the exception to that popular saying

23 Apr 2011 10.42pm

Yes, he has a right not to go, but…………..turncoat.

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
24 Apr 2011 8.44am
Reply to  Ages6969

Be nice to him. He is kataking to blue sea !!!

Andrew I
24 Apr 2011 9.29pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

To devil, you mean?

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
25 Apr 2011 6.14pm
Reply to  Andrew I

Devil and Fake angel ???

Same same. But at devil’s camp they are more honest about it

24 Apr 2011 9.49pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Proper definition is turncoat, trojan horse and liar

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
25 Apr 2011 6.15pm
Reply to  Yang

Wrong !!!

The proper definition is: 2-party-system as you would like to say 🙂

Christine Yong
Christine Yong
23 Apr 2011 9.46pm

But this time he will go as this is a script for him to return to Malaysia….

23 Apr 2011 9.30pm

Cheeky you Anil!
They won’t be forgotten, may be treated to #1Malaysia nasi lemak compliments of fat mama penguin! LOL!!!

Andrew I
23 Apr 2011 9.10pm

TV3 interview paving the way for his return to Malaysia?

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
24 Apr 2011 8.56am
Reply to  Andrew I

You must be so sad. See open always. … Kataking is normal thing.

Andrew I
24 Apr 2011 7.56pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Makes no difference to me at all.. just like what comes out of your mouth makes no difference to me.

24 Apr 2011 9.29pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

…we are not for sale because we have one thing that you don’t have. DIGNITY

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
25 Apr 2011 6.09pm
Reply to  Yang

I know you must very envy to those people who have katak-ing opportunity.

See open always.

24 Apr 2011 11.32am
Reply to  Andrew I

He will return to Malaysia to bash the opposition, just like Kita’s Zaid Ibrahim….

23 Apr 2011 8.49pm

do these ‘authorities’ have jurisdiction in thailand? RPK can opt not to go to the embassy!