I was shocked to catch a glimpse of the Lenggeng immigration detention camp south of Kuala Lumpur here.
It’s something we don’t often see. And it’s no surprise why.
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Thanks, Anil. We now know the reality and what poor migrants face. Do members of the public still want to join RELA to aid in doing this to fellow human beings?
Never news Malaysains were so cruel. Inform goes to my facebook… So the report was correct. Slave traders…
hey Loh Yeow Boo what … are you compairing a detention camp with people of Kampong Buah Palah.What shack do you mean,it was thier home and land which was (grabbed) from them by BN and CAPITILIST…
Cakap senang la ! semua org buat salah ! nanti lu tengok, bila u sudah khawin nanti, dah ada anak, baru lu tau mcm mana nak jd pemimpin.
This is why we call Malaysia Boleh!
Aren’t we ashamed to be Malaysians? And to have a government who don’t care a hood about them?
Thank you all
UBN gov : Too many failure!
do look closely at the photo…no wonder it was crowded…they were all gathered in one section to look at or waiting for something…look at the rear areas…not crowded…just lets not jump to conclusions.
Make a video and show it to the squatters who are staying in shacks in Kampung Buah Pala. They would then start to appreciate the double storey houses offered to them.
what the…
those photo’s should be plastered everywhere so the malaysian government can get shamed into taking the right steps.
How many detention centres do we have in the country? I know there is another one for PATI at Semenyih. Anyone has any idea? How about those in Sabah? Sarawak? I remember the Semenyih one because Irene Fernandez was involved in that one and was charged in court for it.
Is there any source that has a compilation and monitoring of such places and its situation?
It is no surprise to me. Our own poor Malaysians are treated no better….if not for the rise in support for the oppositions.
I think you should visit Irene Fernandez to know more about the “gulags” of Malaysia.
Satu lagi projek Barisan Nasional. What did you expect? 5-star Hilton treatment is it? That our useless BN government reserves only for that murderer General Than Shwe. I guess this is why we are such a religious country.
Oh come on, what did you expect? This is South East Asia. Many of our neighbours offer their citizens nothing better than a living or actual death. What deterrent can Malaysia offer unwanted migrants that’s worse then staying in their own countries? You can’t be suggesting there should be no immigration controls – are you?
I hav’nt but, I can make a guess. Perhaps, the previous HM baldie and rich dentist should spent a couple of nights there…
Oh my goodness! They’re treated like livestock!
What has Malaysia come to? Is this Malaysia’s Gitmo?