Is the level of violence in a country linked to inequality?

Graph: The Equality Trust, UK

This is an interesting area which should be explored. Check out the graph above published by the Equality Trust, UK.

According to the Equality Trust:

The link between inequality and homicide rates has been shown in as many as 40 studies, and the differences are large: there are five-fold differences in murder rates between different countries related to inequality. The most important reason why violence is more common in more unequal societies is that it is often triggered by people feeling looked down, disrespected and loss of face.

We have also found that inequality is related to the Global Peace Index and to children’s experiences of violence.

The ground-breaking book The Spirit Level by Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson points to greater social problems with rising inequality. It shows that “for each of eleven different health and social problems: physical health, mental health, drug abuse, education, imprisonment, obesity, social mobility, trust and community life, violence, teenage pregnancies, and child well-being, outcomes are significantly worse in more unequal rich countries.”

The Equality Trust points to other research (C-C Hsieh ; M D Pugh, 1993) which shows that “poverty and income inequality are each associated with violent crime. The analysis, however, shows considerable variation in the estimated size of the relationships and suggests that homicide and assault may be more closely associated with poverty or income inequality than are rape and robbery.”

The Equality Trust observes: “Rates of violence are higher in more unequal societies. This finding holds up in many different contexts, when looked at via different methodologies and after controlling for other determinants of crime such as low income, unemployment, and teen birth rates.”

Inequality in many countries is often the result of neoliberal economic policies over many years.

Of course, there may be other factors contributing to violence, including the socio-economic environment.

My own view is that perhaps in a materialistic, capitalistic environment, people end up being seen as consumers or commodities or cogs in the assembly line. In the process, they end up losing touch with what it means to be compassionate human beings or being dehumanised to the structural “violence’ that has created misery in many societies.

Leaders must also take a strong and consistent position against the use of violence or mob rule, no matter where it occurs.

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17 Jul 2017 11.48am

A global study based on daily steps counted by smartphones discovers “activity inequality.” It’s similar to income inequality, except that the “step-poor” are prone to obesity while the “step-rich” tend toward fitness and health.

Smartphone data from more than 700,000 people has been collated by scientists to show just how active different parts of the world are.

Malaysia is the 3rd laziest nation in this aspect, people walk only 3963 steps a day! High car ownership is the factor?

6 Jul 2017 8.31pm

Malaysian Muslim group joins Indonesian call for Starbucks boycott over LGBT stand.

The religious groups’ opposition to Starbucks came after a video from 2013 circulated online of pro-LGBT comments made by the company’s chairman and former chief executive, Howard Schultz.

In the video, Schultz said Starbucks embraced diversity and “not every decision is an economic decision”, in response to a shareholder who complained that the company had lost customers because of its support for gay marriage.

28 Jun 2017 2.15am

Time to Pay Attention: 8 Men Have as Much Money as Half the Entire World 8 people have as much economic power as 3.6 billion “It is obscene for so much wealth to be held in the hands of so few when 1 in 10 people survive on less than $2 a day. Inequality is trapping hundreds of millions in poverty; it is fracturing our societies and undermining democracy.” Sadly, the response to this inequality will be more tax programs that will strike the poor and middle class the hardest — creating even more divide by funneling money upward toward… Read more »

5 Jul 2017 12.55pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

No tax at all!
Ask yourself…
Why pay tax?

Enjoy the day!

2 Jul 2017 10.36am
Reply to  Margie
Khun Pana
Khun Pana
27 Jun 2017 12.03am

There is not a definite answer.
Criminal minds are complex.
Some blame the education, upbringing, society,culture , movies.
While others blame religion , politics and even the internet!
Some are Non of the Above but rather simply having a sick mind.
Now, there is this highly informative documentary which i do recommend .
It covered a lot of grounds .


28 Jun 2017 2.15pm
Reply to  Khun Pana

Sickening food, sickening medication, sick environment, sick thoughts…perfect ingredients for a sick mind and body
Nature heals, so does meditation and unconditional prayers

Renee Reeves
Renee Reeves
6 Jul 2017 10.57am
Reply to  Margie

My advice is to avoid Facebook as there are lots of sick stuff invading your mind.

26 Jun 2017 2.12pm

Money squeeze in Putrajaya being felt in Malay heartland Thousands of villagers in Terengganu are finding it difficult to make ends meet as prices of goods keep rising even as the government cuts spending, including on aid for the people. The consumer price index (CPI) for May rose 3.9% compared with 4.4% in April. The main increases were in transport and food groups. The average price of a litre of RON95 was RM2.09 in May compared to RM1.70 a year ago. The CPI pressure on the food and non-alcoholic beverages, which accounts for a third of the CPI weightage,… Read more »

Elsa Aeria
25 Jun 2017 11.38pm

Malaysia does not have equality. Period.

8 Jul 2017 9.10am
Reply to  Elsa Aeria

Do you get 5% discount for purchasing your house?

15 Jul 2017 11.27am
Reply to  Elsa Aeria

what will happen if equality is achieved in Malaysia? Political reality dictates that affirmative action will stay; however instead of being a race-based programme, it could be turned to help the marginalised in the country regardless of race, religion or gender. So, who would lose out? Probably the current rent seekers, racial politics peddlers, religious bigots, and other opportunists. Not necessarily all but most of them. UMNO leaders depend on the Malays’ support to hold on to power. If the Malays begin to believe that they are free individuals who can choose any political party that works best for their… Read more »

25 Jun 2017 10.41am

“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little”. – Franklin D. Roosevelt

24 Jun 2017 11.54am

No sign of PR1MA projects, says Penang exco GEORGE TOWN, June 23 — The Penang government has approved two PR1MA projects in the state but construction works have not begun at the sites, state executive councillor Jagdeep Singh Deo said today. The housing development committee chairman accused the federal government of spreading lies that it is now constructing 16,569 units of PR1MA housing in Penang. “This is not true at all. We approved two PR1MA projects but work on both projects have not commenced at all,” he said. Jagdeep was referring to a booklet published by the Penang Federal… Read more »

5 Jul 2017 12.17pm
Reply to  tunglang

The potential property bubble bursting in Malaysia, signs to look out for:

23 Jun 2017 5.09pm

Good to hear the views from foreigners residing in Malaysia on Equal or Not Equal in Malaysia.

Rebecca or Margie can spare some thoughts on this matter to make Msia a better place for all not selected ones only.

25 Jun 2017 3.32pm
Reply to  Ravi123

Thank you for the thought Ravi! While reading the article I thought… Is there any equal country left? Where is the middle-class? Almost every city is the same, middle-class is hard to find. Some stopped because of too many rules and regulations, some stopped because of age or sickness and none of the children were interested to go on with the shop. Some became bankrupt and most were trapped in the ineptitude to become a part of a chain which is the same as selling your soul. Others got big money from multi nationals who wanted to have their location,… Read more »

Renee Reeves
Renee Reeves
6 Jul 2017 11.00am
Reply to  Margie

Moderate your expectations.
Live within your means.
Envy not those who have deep pockets.
Spend on needs, not wants.
Live simply.

23 Jun 2017 2.01pm

The specific graph is underwhelming – only some Western countries and no trend at all. Nevertheless, this supposedly clever finding of social science is an obvious one. Violence arises from (a) fascists of all types trying to control others (b) the latter fighting back (c) a critical fall in resources (d) mental illness due to deprivation and related poisoning. Inequality is a clever way of avoiding the term poverty. Neoliberalisn is a clever way of avoiding the term capitalism. Social science plays its part in distracting from the real issues. Mob violence may be the result of desperation. Fascists also… Read more »

bumi non malay
23 Jun 2017 2.42pm
Reply to  glissantia

All you have to do is unite like Orang Asli in Kelantan… Donate to Siti Kassim to help Orang Asli there!!

Renee Reeves
Renee Reeves
6 Jul 2017 11.02am
Reply to  bumi non malay

I like the brave effort by lawyer Siti Kassim in fighting for the rights of orang asli community and LGBT community.

25 Jun 2017 3.35pm
Reply to  glissantia

Write to the point!

5 Jul 2017 2.21pm
Reply to  glissantia

Have you been in Europe, US, or Australia lately? Inequality is overwhelming…so is poverty in so- called developped countries. Developped for Multinationals ( who dont pay tax) bankers, big pharma and non-existing royalties. The Netherlands, like many countries, is a Private Company with limited liabilities The State of the Netherlands is registered as a Private (Mother) Company (BV) since 1848 in theTrade Register of Dun & Bradstreet in the USA. So are the daughter companies such as ministeries, police, tax department etc etc. The shareholders of the BV the state of the Netherlands are not responsable for debts. A… Read more »

23 Jun 2017 9.49am

Spare the cane -> bullies flourish in schools.

22 Jun 2017 5.39pm

definitely, it is related to poverty; it was thought that crime was confine of the poor but now most of the criminals come from upper echelon of the society; only one has to look at the daily press to know the seriousness of the crime. we must improve the lot of workers; how can one live on a meager pay of less 900 ringgit; minimum required is 3,000 rgt for a family of 4. the govt should look into this.

the govt is not interested in the case of poor workers.

23 Jun 2017 9.50am

What happens to ‘High Income Nation’?

23 Jun 2017 5.11pm
Reply to  HBK

High Income nation for those masterminds of Money Games in Malaysia, like the one making RM20 billions Maximally !

Rebecca Wilkinson
22 Jun 2017 2.19pm

Here in Malaysia, ‘inequality’ is not limited to income, or the difference between rich & poor.

22 Jun 2017 6.33pm

Rebecca may need to appreciate “bin chui” factor for self esteem.

22 Jun 2017 11.14pm

May I add to the Malaysian inequality quotient:

‘sons of the earth’ entitlements

race-based quotas for tertiary education admission

government jobs & GLC jobs by highly skewed race-based quotas

petrol station business licenses which can only be a dream

bumi discounts for property purchases

saham-saham with ‘excellent’ interests i.e. not for non-bumis

There can never, ever be a Chinese, Indian, Serani or Bengali PM.
Talking about trust among Malaysians?

Pls add some more.
Note: there’s nothing bin-chui to talk about beyond survival against all odds.

Seng Aun Teoh
23 Jun 2017 10.37am

Happens when some believe they’re born to be ‘more’ equal than others.

23 Jun 2017 1.02pm

Penang interfaith walk, buka puasa aims to defy bigotry, racism.

Rebecca can participate in the historic interfaith solidarity walk along Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling.

25 Jun 2017 4.03pm
Reply to  HBK

Harmony Street, Love Lane…step by step to the Avenue of Joy

26 Jun 2017 4.36pm

What about the treatment towards the LGBT community?