Let Penang government take over Penang port


Some 200 of those present at Penang Forum 5 signed a petition opposing the privatisation of Penang port.

See the Aliran statement on this.

Meanwhile, the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce has confirmed its interest in the port. It proposes to form a consortium comprising members of the various chambers of commerce in Penang to take over the port (Business Times).

But the petition signed by the those attending the Penang Forum 5 prefers that the Penang state government should be the one taking over the port. That is something I would agree to.

After all, the Penang port is a public asset and as such, it should be owned by a party acting on behalf of and  accountable to the people – and not by any private interests whether a tycoon or a chamber of commerce, neither of whom are accountable to the public.

Some have suggested that the real reason certain quarters are eyeing the port is due to the land banks that come under the port, apart from the strategic value of the port itself. Certainly, the port is an important gateway into the George Town world heritage site. The proposed development would also involve the privatisation of federal government-owned land in the port area (Business Times). Now this land could be worth a lot of money. Is that why everyone is so interested in the port?

Syed Mokhtar’s Seaport Terminal reportedly also wants to demolish the cruise terminal and build a new one.

According to the report, however, the privatisation agreement with the concessionaire has not yet been signed. So it is by no means a done deal.

Save Penang port before it is too late!

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Batu Ferringhian
Batu Ferringhian
11 Aug 2012 1.16pm

Don’t fall for the hudud boogeyman. It won’t happen, let’s not forget that Malaysia is a secular state. This has been proven in the Constitution. BN brings up umno to scare the non-Muslim voters..so please..don’t fall for it

Penang State Government should take over Penang port. If Federal still continues to be stubborn, then we plan a march to Putrajaya to demand what is rightfully OURS! hehe

10 Aug 2012 4.43pm

Utusan has confirmed it, that DAP does not accept hudud law and so it is haram to vote DAP.

Ah Cheap Kor and company said in 2011 that he is against hudud.



So let us all make the CHANGE and vote PR.

10 Aug 2012 6.49pm
Reply to  Yang

Talk is cheap – but as far as we are concern – our constitution is clealry written – Malaysia is a secular state (NOT ISLAMIC COUNTRY). and our Parliament have not pass any amendment for Agong to sign. It is Mahatir personal opinion that Malaysia is an Islamic Country. Period. And we do not agree with Dr Umum because we can read our Constitution. With so many local graduates soon he cannot (hoodwink) the malays anymore.

Buttock Brainy
Buttock Brainy
10 Aug 2012 2.10pm

Save Penang port before it is too late!

Agreed!, but how? whatever petition automatic ‘expired’ after GE13.

This port became a political milage, it need to get into election menifesto of Penang PR and BN as one of Janji-janji D’ third party.

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
10 Aug 2012 4.50am

Boleh, but show your money first ??? Even though you have the money but I will not recommend a rookie to take over the port. The port should be managed by ‘old hand’ with plenty of resources and experiences !!!

Eh, according to CSL, penang port is the last public port. Hmm, the romance of the last public port ~ Kesian ~

10 Aug 2012 3.44pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

GK, You just don`t have that cally to say show the money first because you are nothing and cannot make decision except be wow wow to UMNO and Najib. Selangor has 2 billions waiting to take over the Syabas and so is the Penang govt. Even the private sector here have that financial resources to do it. Definitely not to sell to BN AMMO cronies whose listed company are in debts of the billions. Once bitten twice shy with the white hair who took over the ferry service and now a bankrupt. Same with many other like the MAS, m… Read more »

10 Aug 2012 5.21pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Why U did not ask the (this certain man) to show us his money? He is also a jack of all trades and master of none. Has he been running Pos Offices and building railways?

abdul aziz
abdul aziz
10 Aug 2012 4.17am

why should the goverment is giving the properties of people to special person / tycoon? can you see what happen in kuantan port under IJM ? they only making money withou new investment. i wish the state goverment to fight for this port.

tan tanjong bungah
tan tanjong bungah
10 Aug 2012 12.30am

Hi everyone,

I was not able to attend the Penang Forum 5 as I was away!

Hope there would be some NGO(s) to spearhead a signature campaign to resolve that the Penang Port be taken over by the Penang State Government instead of being privatised to any private entity! I would be a signatory if there is such a campaign.

10 Aug 2012 10.31am

If acquiring Penang Port is part of the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) ; then habislah wang ehsan rakyat ! Agreed with you that NGOs need to be active to address this matter. WHY ? Because GTP is nicely packaged but has it got any solid substance as it is not “Janji Ditepati” because it is not doing well in several major sectors : Good governance ? Corruption is still rampant and whistleblowers like Rafizi Ramli from the opposition Pakatan Rakyat side are targeted and persecuted for revealing the truth about corruption. Practice of transparent open tenders eg not seen in… Read more »

10 Aug 2012 3.28pm

Yes, we should allow the local government to run the port.

the mythbuster
11 Aug 2012 10.33pm

I am not a Penang resident but I am flabbergasted to hear that the present Federal Government seems hell bent on throwing every proposed mega projects into the lap of Syed Mokhtar.

I wonder what the (reward) is like to those who help him to get all these money minting businesses! …

The Penang Government should fight tooth and nail to obstruct this takeover. Instead it should galvanize all its resources to expose why the Federal Government wants its stooge ( Syed Mokhtar) to be its point man.