Muhammad Ali’s greatest fights were outside the ring


The screen from the small black and white television flickered in front of a hall full of excited primary schoolchildren. 

We were given time off classes to watch Muhammad Ali vs Joe Frazier, both undefeated boxing legends. Held at Madison Square Garden in New York City on March 8, 1971, it was dubbed the Fight of the Century.

Opinion was divided, for Ali had a polarising effect. I was among the many who disliked Muhammad Ali. I found him brash, arrogant, loud-mouthed, even disrespectful to his opponents. (Joe Frazier himself found it hard to forgive Ali for some of the hurtful words Ali had used against him.) Moreover, Ali had abandoned his Christian roots and upbringing to join the strident Nation of Islam.

Many of my Muslim schoolmates, however, supported their newfound hero, who had embraced Islam and dropped his old ‘slave’ name of Cassius Clay.

In the end, champion Joe Frazier retained his title by a unanimous decision. I was thrilled.

It was only years later that I realised there was another great fight outside the ring, even greater than Ali’s monumental battles with awe-inspiring boxers like Sonny Liston, Joe Frazier and George Foreman.

Ali used his fame to speak out against racial discrimination in the United States, along with other outspoken figures such as Malcom X and Martin Luther King.

But it was Ali’s refusal to be drafted to fight in America’s war with Vietnam that pitted him against the US war machine and establishment — and the result was predictable. He was stripped of his champion’s title, losing almost four years of his prime as a boxer (from 25 to 29) simply because he refused to be part of the slaughter of Vietnamese. This was his ultimate sacrifice for his stand on non-violence.

Full article on Aliran website.

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gk ong
gk ong
18 Jun 2016 11.40am

Ali talked big (self proclaimed the Greatest) but his later half of life was affected by Parkinson’s. His wives, children and mistresses are now fighting over his estate.

By the way, Malcolm X would be deemed extremist in today’s America.

David Loman
David Loman
17 Jun 2016 1.27pm

Ali’s passing is already a 2nd hand news.

The attention is now on the imminent Brexit which will set a new world order in Europe. Already there have been talks that the Nederlands could follow suit to leave Euro, as the citizens are unhappy with the immigrant issues.

17 Jun 2016 10.06pm
Reply to  David Loman

Brexit if a reality next Thursday, then can expect ringgit to plunge further downwards trend.

In 1971 while young Anil was watching Ali’s memorable fight, one particular Sia Boey boy now running a crusade war over Singkarpoh heritage invasion, was fascinated by Nora Miso in The Big Boss.

17 Jun 2016 12.56am

Young Malaysians know Ali Tinju UMNO more for his butt exercises than the true Ali more should respect.